Teaching English as a second language (ESL) can be both challenging and rewarding, especially when it comes to teaching vocabulary related to everyday life activities such as shopping. This lesson plan is designed for intermediate students who want to improve their listening, speaking, reading, and...
ESL Shopping Board Game - Vocabulary and Speaking: Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Controlled Practice - Group Work - Elementary (A1-A2) - 20 minutes In this imaginative shopping board game, students practice asking for items in a shop, giving prices and saying where to buy particu...
ESLPodcast547–ShoppingforaHat GLOSSARY toprotect–tokeepsomethingsafe;tokeepsomethingoutofdangeroraway fromharm;tomakesuresomethingisn’thurt,injured,orkilled *Chantasitprotectshisimportantdocumentsbyputtingtheminhissafe. beret–asmall,roundhatwithatightpiecenexttotheheadandsomeextra ...
Learning how to shop at the grocery store is a big part of using English in everyday life. This lesson reviews some categories of grocery shopping...
Love it or hate it, everyone has an opinion about shopping. This lesson provides ESL (English as a Second Language) teachers with shopping-related conversation questions for classroom use. Updated: 07/21/2023 Shop Talk Shopping, whether for essentials, like food, or extravagances, like ...
Mr. Bean Goes On A Shopping Spree - Examines Everything Present continuous questions - What is Mr Bean doing? TeacherSig Learn About My Daily Routines - Simple Present 1st Perso... improve simple present sentences students need to use only the first person ...
它的选材也是非常广泛,包括以下主题: 生活(Daily Life) 商务(Business) 人情(Relationships) 娱乐(Entertainment) 旅游(Travel) 购物(Shopping) 健康/医...打开APP,完整收听 用户评论 还没有评论,快来发表第一个评论! 发表评论 相关推荐 墨菲定律:每天学点心理学丨只要有可能,就一定会发生 本书是一本揭示人类...
Shopping Health + Medicine Entertainment + Sports Relationships + Family Daily English 的节目对话虽然比较传统但贵在实用。比如如何用英语订酒店,如何讨论一部电影,在超市买东西时要用到的英语表达等等,内容涉及日常工作生活的方方面面,对于准备在国外生活学习的朋友来讲可谓相当实用,而且也是雅思等各类口语考试的好...
Vocabulary for Shopping in English By Kenneth Beare If you want to goshoppingthere are a number of things you have to consider. If you would like to find a ___ you should make sure to go to a ___. The only problem with a sale is that it is sometimes hard to ___ something once...
Shopping Health + Medicine Entertainment + Sports Relationships + Family Each lesson contains: Audio: about20-minute lessons + Text: 8-10 page Learning Guides Cultural English (English Cafe) Cultural English lessons contain information to help you understand the United States and American culture. Lea...