Grocery Shopping Vocabulary When deciding on actual words to teach your ESL students, it can be helpful to think in terms of major categories. This will help you organize vocabulary in a way that makes it easier for students to remember. Some helpful categories of grocery store vocabulary includ...
Vocabulary for Shopping in English By Kenneth Beare If you want to goshoppingthere are a number of things you have to consider. If you would like to find a ___ you should make sure to go to a ___. The only problem with a sale is that it is sometimes hard to ___ something once...
Thisepisodeiscalled“ShoppingforaHat.”ChristineandEricaretryingtobuya hat,andwe’ll,ofcourse,beintroducedtolotsofvocabularyrelatedtohats.Let’s getstarted. [startofdialogue] Christine:Whatdoyouthinkofthisone? Eric:We’reheretobuyhatstoprotectusfromthesunwhilewe’reonvacation. ...
tips on how to use the new vocabulary cultural information a glossary with definitions of the key vocabulary new sample sentences to show you how to use the new terms in the right way How does the Unlimited English Membership work? As a paid member, you get access to ALL 1800+ Daily Engl...
Language games and activities to practice vocabulary and grammar related to language games at
Portal Site for English Learning & Teaching! Speaking·Listening·Vocabulary·Grammar & More>>> ESL/EFL/ESOL Resources About Englishpond.comcovers vast areas of English (ESL, EFL, ELT, ESOL) learning and teaching. Our materials include among others :Printable Worksheets,Self-grading...
Teaching English as a second language (ESL) can be both challenging and rewarding, especially when it comes to teaching vocabulary related to everyday life activities such as shopping. This lesson plan is designed for intermediate students who want to improve their listening, speaking, reading, and...
ESL Shopping Vocabulary Activity - Speaking: Gap-fill, Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts - Group and Pair Work - Intermediate (B1) - 30 minutes In this free shopping vocabulary activity, students practice vocabulary related to shopping by forming, asking and answering shopping conversation ...
The shopping-related questions in this lesson will enable students to learn and practice new vocabulary, pronunciations, and grammar structures. There are a few ways you can use these questions: View Video Only Save Timeline Video Course 18K views Easy Shopping Questions The following are ...
The Shopping Spree ESL Activity is a useful method for getting students more comfortable with shopping vocabulary. With this activity, they can improve their expressions using money and other terms related to shopping. It is a fun and interactive game for most age groups....