Shopping ESL Activities, Role-Plays, Worksheets and Games Elementary (A1-A2) Pre-intermediate (A2) Intermediate (B1) Upper-intermediate (B2) At the Shops ESL Shopping Board Game - Vocabulary and Speaking: Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Controlled Practice - Group Work - Elementary ...
Many free ESL, English vocabulary exercises, for English teachers, English Vocabulary Exercises, printable esl Vocabulary worksheets, for teachers
14,180 discussion and conversation questions for speaking practice. 709 FREE ESL lesson plans, handouts, worksheets and downloads. Controversial and mainstream topics.
-Worksheets with comprehension questions related to the shopping conversation -A sample shopping dialogue for a role-play activity Procedures 1.Warm-up activity As a warm-up activity, the teacher can ask students to brainstorm shopping-related vocabulary and write them on the board. Examples of vo...
Printable ESL worksheets and Exercises for teaching, worksheets, grammar worksheets, vocabulary worksheets, esl worksheets for kids
word scrambles and lots more.The worksheets have been carefully classified according to sets. Each set has a number of topics. This is for easy access. You can also use theSite search engine here,to quickly find what you want. Here are icons of just a few of they types of worksheets:...
Shopping Conversation Small Talk Travel Questions ESL Family Worksheets The family is the most basic human social unit. Even the youngest learners will have their own well-developed conceptions of the family and, chances are, they’ll be enthusiastic to think and talk about their own in the clas...
Teach English phonetic pronunciation using IPA. This course package offers a number of resources. There aremp3, worksheets, flashcards, charts, powerpoint presentationsand more to make the teaching of pronunciation very easy.Tongue twisters with mp3 audioand a BBC audio chart puts in your hand the...
This English for Kids Course E-books has over 300 exercises. They include: Printables worksheets, Flashcards, Powerpoint presentations, Video presentations, mp3 audio and all the tools you need to deliver a fantastic lesson to ESL/EFL Young Learners. Find out more>>>. ...
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