The Factory is the smallest and the most dynamic of all Escape from Tarkov maps. It features many enclosed and semi-opened areas with many elevated spots (inside Tarkov's Factory you have to have your eyes not only behind your head but also on top of it) that promote fast-paced, close-...
A collection of handmade maps for Escape from Tarkov raids. Shoreline, Factory, Woods, Customs, Lighthouse, Reserve, Streets of Tarkov ...
Tarkov's Customs area is the Cities' main industrial district of sorts, located close to the Factory. It features a range of infrastructure facilities, a freight train terminal (the place where Skier used to work - a random piece of Tarkov's lore right here), factories, dorm buildings, off...
Scalable maps rich in detail, ideal for veterans and beginners in the game. Factory Customs Woods Shoreline Interchange The Lab Reserve Suburbs Town Lighthouse New Terminal Streets of Tarkov Help keep the site online, make a donation. Woods in game map updated (extract and caches) #Escape...
Where can I find the best loot in Escape from Tarkov? There are multiple maps with great, high level loot: Reserve, Interchange, and The Lab are the best examples. However, you have to know where to look. You might also need some keys or keycards. ...
Best beginner maps Customs Woods Factory Character The difference between a PMC and a Scav In Escape from Tarkov there'stwo types of characters that you can play: PMC and Scav. PMC— the main character. PMCs by default have no gear on them (other than the melee weapon and secure container...
Maps There are currentlyseven maps available in Escape from Tarkov: Factory, Customs, Woods, Interchange, Reserve, Shoreline and Labs.The first six are accessible for both Scavs and PMCs while the Labs map is only available to PMCs and you need the "Labs keycard" to join it. Upon joining...
For the Arena, see Arena Changelog. This page contains a collection of official patch notes for Escape from Tarkov. It's not complete, and it has to be noted that the developer Battlestate Games intentionally doesn't announce every change to keep surpris
The most detailed and complete maps of the Escape From Tarkov, focused on the constructions, loots and spawn of keys. Available for mobile and desktop versions.
Factory Woods Reserve Shoreline The Lab Lighthouse Streets of Tarkov Customs Customs is one of the most popular Escape From Tarkov maps, and it’s also the one you’ll become best acquainted with as a new player. A lot of the early game quests take place on this map, which hosts 8-12...