The most detailed and complete maps of the Escape From Tarkov, focused on the constructions, loots and spawn of keys. Available for mobile and desktop versions.
Lighthouse is one of the newest maps to be added to Escape From Tarkov. While it brings a new environment to explore in its 40 minute raid time, it also brings a lot of new quests – and players are having to venture its rocky roads for the first time. As with all new maps, we’...
A collection of handmade maps for Escape from Tarkov raids. Shoreline, Factory, Woods, Customs, Lighthouse, Reserve, Streets of Tarkov ...
The devs have stated that at some point, all the locations will be merged into one massive map of Tarkov. Currently, you can’t travel from one part of the city to another – this gives the players the possibility to join Raids on different game maps. Seven of them are already live ...
Scalable maps rich in detail, ideal for veterans and beginners in the game. Factory Customs Woods Shoreline Interchange The Lab Reserve Suburbs Town Lighthouse New Terminal Streets of Tarkov Help keep the site online, make a donation. Woods in game map updated (extract and caches) #Escape...
For the Arena, see Arena Changelog. This page contains a collection of official patch notes for Escape from Tarkov. It's not complete, and it has to be noted that the developer Battlestate Games intentionally doesn't announce every change to keep surpris
though Battlestate Games also stressed how there are other features still being kept under wraps. On the other hand, they weren't coy about their goal to update Escape from Tarkov's engine to Unity 2018 as well as introducing graphics improvements such as updated lighting, animations, vegetation...
Add task alternatives for tarkov dev API Dec 26, 2022 traders.json add russian locale for hideout, maps and traders Jul 28, 2022 tarkovdata tarkovdata is game information forEscape From Tarkovin easy to use formats to enable developing tools for assisting players. Everything here is contributed...
There are currentlyseven maps available in Escape from Tarkov: Factory, Customs, Woods, Interchange, Reserve, Shoreline and Labs.The first six are accessible for both Scavs and PMCs while the Labs map is only available to PMCs and you need the "Labs keycard" to join it. Upon joining, the...
A list of the currently known Easter eggs and References in Escape from Tarkov. Burning barrel on the 1st floor in the offices. A reference to Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. Is a quest location for the quest Is This a Reference? by Fence Multicolored val