your organization. Study company policies that affect these groups, and look at recruitment, retention, and performance numbers. This is also a good time to talk to employees from the affinity group at the workplace to get a deeper understanding of their professional experience at the organization...
While ERGs can operate like business networking groups, they are equally suited for promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. In many companies, the earliest formed ERGs sprung up in support of those goals, creating groups for LGBT employees and other minority groups. Benefits of ERGs B...
An ERG will work to improve conditions for marginalised groups within your organisation. This can be in a physical way, such as introducing gender-neutral toilets and accessible facilities within your workplace. Or, it can be in terms of introducing benefits that improve the work-life balance an...
It is important that the members facilitate meetings regularly to address workplace needs and issues promptly and to alert the organization about necessary changes or other policies to implement as they arise. Proper communication is crucial in the effective deployment of employee resource groups. How ...
Workplace Commute Champions Campaign Award, 2013 NorthEast Diesel Collaborative Honoree for developing and implementing MassCleanDiesel program, 2011 Massachusetts Eco Awards Pacesetter Award for Excellence in Commuter Options, 2011–2017 A Better City Challenge for Sustainability ...
the context of work. I'm honored to be able to partner with my AAPI UserTesting community to create a space focused on storytelling, celebrating our roots and unique talents, ensuring we're seen and heard and working toward solidarity with other ERGs in the movement for equity and inclusion....
In 1964, Joseph Wilson, former CEO of Xerox, along with the company’s Black employees, came up with the idea of workplace affinity groups in response to therace riotsthat occurred in Rochester, New York, where Xerox was headquartered. Xerox recognized that once hired,Black employeesstill face...
help you better understand the landscape and why ERGs are just as important as they’ve always been — and maybe even more so in our increasingly diverse workplaces. Feel free to use any information you find here, including any data and charts we’ve created on employee resource groups. ...
Can you share a specific initiative or project within the Pride ERG that you found particularly empowering or that made a positive difference in the workplace? One of the actions that I am most proud was leading with our Brazil team is Dell's association with the São Paulo Trans Parade ...
Maceo is doing incredible things across social platforms, across the channel that she created, bringing leaders together, and ensuring that ERGs can be the most effective in every workplace.” “I knew nothing about being an ERG leader. And so I read all the information that I could find ...