The meaning of EQUIVALENT is equal in force, amount, or value; also : equal in area or volume but not superposable. How to use equivalent in a sentence. Did you know? Synonym Discussion of Equivalent.
The meaning of EQUIVALENT is equal in force, amount, or value; also : equal in area or volume but not superposable. How to use equivalent in a sentence. Did you know? Synonym Discussion of Equivalent.
Finding the perfect English equivalent for this nuanced expression can be tricky, as it involves capturing not just the meaning but also the feeling of sudden comprehension. While "I understand" might convey the meaning, it lacks the emotional resonance of "原来如此." So, how can...
In this article “the transliteration” is not in the usual significance with “the literal translation” (literal translation) relative “the transliteration” (freetranslation), but is pursues the equivalent in certain level the meaning translation.Because the scenery roll-call usually is by the ... chemistry, having the same valence. 3.seeequivalentweight. anxiety-equivalenttranslation of anxiety into a kind of emotional activity, e.g., the experiencing or expression of angry feelings. full time equivalent(FTE) the equivalent of one full time staff member; a total number of full ti...
Aims and Objectives: Translation equivalents intuitively seem to overlap in meaning. Moreover, the models of the bilingual lexicon often represent the meaning shared between two translations as a holistic node in the semantic network. However, research on semantic representation and ...
2) stylistic meaning 风格意义 1. Based on the analysis of the interrelationship betw ee n images and stylistic meaning,between images and contextual meaning,between ima ges and cultural meaning,this paper focuses on how to reproduce the images in th e process of translation. 通过对形象意义...
A conference in Portugal 'complicit,' meaning Google couldn't find an equivalent word. But let's look at how defines complicit: 'choosing to be involved in an illegal or questionable act, especially with others; having partnership or involvement in wrongdoing.' notes...
等值效果1. This paper points out that to seek for the maximum equivalent meaning in E/C idioms translation the conversion of images should be paid attention to. 英汉习语翻译过程中喻体的形象转换应注意形象再现、形象替换、形象增补、形象省略等问题 ,以取得最大限度的等值效...
8.Pragmatic Strategies for Publicity-oriented C/E Translation;对外宣传语英译的等效观及语用策略 9.Money doesn’t ensure/guarantee happiness.金钱不等于(语义对等,用词对等容易汉语干扰)快乐。 10.Chapter five restates that equivalence in pragmatic meaning is the foundation of equivalent translation.第五章...