求翻译:3. What is meant by “equivalent value” in translation?是什么意思?待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有 3. What is meant by “equivalent value” in translation?问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 3。在翻译中的“同等价值”是什么意思? 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 3.〃"指的是...
"A Defining Moment" 指的是一个决定性的时刻,即一个非常重要的时刻。 因此,正确答案是 A. A very important moment.反馈 收藏
What is meant by equivalent fraction give example - Equivalent fractions :Equivalent fractions are the fractions that have different numerator and denominator but are equal to the same value.Example :$frac{1}{2} = frac{5}{10}$Similarly,Two ratios are eq
"Exposed to the elements" 指的是暴露在自然环境中,如风、雨、太阳等各种天气条件下。因此,正确答案是 a. Out in all kinds of weather.反馈 收藏
数值接近其真实值的程度 The extent to which a value approaches its true value
1、这个(this,应该是上一句话提到的东西)的意思是说,每个人都必须清楚他或她对这个世界的作用,还有他们在这个世界上扮演的独特的角色.2、他的行为将是负责任的.(直译为:他的行为将是一个负责任的人的行为.that 指代behavior,相当于 His behavior will be the behavior of a responsible ...
9 (a)Explain what is meant by the term transpiration.(b)Describe the effect that two named environmental factors can have on the rate of transpiration.name of factor description I■、name of factor description■、II■■■ 相关知识点:
6.Whatismeantbytheterm“supply”?Whatisthelawofsupply? 7.Beabletodefinethetermsshortage(orexcessdemand),surplus(orexcess supply),andequilibrium. 8.Ifthepriceisnotattheequilibriumprice,explainwhatforceswouldmovethe pricetowardstheequilibrium. 9.Whatisapricefloorandwhatisapriceceiling?Howwouldtheyalterthe ...
with thehelp of enzymes●Absorpticn is the process whereby digested foodsubstances are absorbed into the bloodstream throughwalls of the ileum by the processes of difusion andactive transport., The absorbed food substances then diffuse into thecells for various activities like metabolism andassimilation...
What is meant by a "theory" and how is it different from a "hunch" or "guess"? How are models involved with theories?Theories and Models:There is an extensive use of theories and models in science and economics to establish new ideas and new ...