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A pump (200) comprises a driving rotor (202) and a driven rotor (203) that are positioned in a housing (199) such that, as the driving rotor and the driven rotor rotate, the teeth (223a) of the driving rotor and the teeth (223b) of the driven rotor mesh to form a positive displ...
【小枫的沙盒生存】勇者斗恶龙:创世小玩家.ep25 - 破阵弩~! 是在优酷播出的游戏高清视频,于2016-05-23 11:13:47上线。视频内容简介:【微信公众号:逍遥小枫 百度贴吧:逍遥小枫 新浪微博:http://weibo.com/profuns 交流群1号:419886808 (包子①屉) 交流群2号:4374959
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A cutting machine for gear shaping or the like is provided. The cutting machine includes a gear shaping head. The gear shaping head has a ram that is guided by and reciprocates along a linear guide mounted between a saddle of the gear shaping head and the ram. At least one linear motor...
FLS1_EP23_P3_v2 1792021-01 8 FLS1_EP23_P2_v2 1732021-01 9 FLS1_EP23_P1_v2 2492021-01 10 FLS1_EP22_P2_v2 1932021-01 查看更多 猜你喜欢 45 EP-MALDEN by:情迷电音 268 Ep-CeeJayThaGod by:嘻哈有态度 550 Ep-Jestta by:嘻哈有态度 848 PET-EP by:静听花开_贝妈 1203 EP2U by:华语...
An object of the present invention is to provide a hemoglobin S analysis method, a hemoglobin A2 analysis method, and a hemoglobin A0 analysis method which enable even highly retentive hemoglobin S, hemoglobin A2 and hemoglobin A0 to be separated in sharp, highly symmetrical peaks by means of ...
In other aspects this invention relates to a method of making such a microcapsule; a pesticidal composition comprising microcapsules comprising a pesticidal active ingredient and a suitable carrier; and to a method of controlling pests comprising applying an effective amount of such a pesticidal ...
The present invention is for the anti-inflammatory compounds that have an inhibitory activity against protein tyrosine kinases and their pharmaceutical composition(s) containing the compound as the active ingredient. Since the compounds of the present invention can inhibit multiple protein kinases ...