More importantly, eosinophils promote maturation of monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DCs) in vitro, and, through the release of eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN), are responsible for the accumulation of myeloid DCs observed in mouse models of allergic airway disease [15]. 2. Factors influencing ...
Recent studies clearly indicate that eosinophils are responsible for tissue damage of the host due to the release of toxic reactive oxygens and cationic toxic proteins; however, previous studies revealed a new role of eosinophils due to their capacity to liberate cytokines (Levi-Schaffer et al, ...
are required for secretory IgA production.53,54 One study has indicated that eosinophils mediate this effect at least in part by release of the aforementioned prosurvival factors APRIL and IL-6, whereas another has proposed that eosinophil-derived IL- 1b is responsible.54 Eosinophils could also ...
Eosinophils are strongly implicated as a major pro-inflammatory cell in the pathogenesis of asthma.Basic proteins from the crystalloid granule may be responsible for damage to mucosal epithelium whereas membrane-derived lipid mediators (particularly platelet activating factor and leukotriene C4) might direct...
Eosinophils are major effector cells in allergic tissue reactions. Their capacity to synthesize and store cytokines, particularly Th2-type cytokines, which may have autocrine effects such as increased cell survival in tissues, is of particular current interest. We have shown that eosinophils infiltrating...
for eosinophil precursor cells include interleukin (IL)-5, granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and IL-3 (Table2) [26,27,28]. These growth-modulating cytokines are primarily synthesized and secreted by (activated) T cells, mast cells, and stromal cells. Receptors for ...
Mast Cell Activation What are Mast Cells? MCAS Symptoms & Diagnosis Treatment for MCAS Healing from MCAS Healing through Network Spinal Analysis Healing through Meditation Healing Through a New Relationship with Food Healing through New Thought Healing Through Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Healing, ...
These results also suggest that eosinophils are predominantly responsible for regulating aeroallergen-induced structural changes to the airways which contribute, in part, to the mechanism underlying the induction of bronchial hyperreactivity. Thus, there are at least two distinct pathophysiological mechanisms...
Eosinophils are blood and tissue immune cells that participate in a diverse range of activities normally beneficial for the host defense, but in circumstances of untoward inflammatory conditions these cells can be responsible for pathological responses. Accordingly the transit of eosinophils from the blood...
Both eosinophils and neutrophils are found in asthmatic airways and several studies have suggested that eosinophils may be responsible for the epithelial cell detachment of asthma. To compare the capacity of purified human eosinophils and neutrophils to mediate epithelial cell detachment, we utilized a ...