Enzymes in Food Biotechnology: Production, Applications, and Future Prospects presents a comprehensive review of enzyme research and the potential impact of enzymes on the food sec ... read full description Purchase book Share this bookBrowse content ...
Enzymes in Food Biotechnology || Production of Food-Processing Enzymes From Recombinant Microorganismsdoi:10.1016/B978-0-12-813280-7.00043-8Srivastava, Neha
This chapter summarizes the applications of enzymes in food and biotechnology and suggests the future trends and applications. Selected strains of molds, bacteria, and yeasts are currently used as sources of enzymes for food processing. Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus niger, and Bacillus subtilis are ...
The escalating global challenges of food security, waste management, and environmental sustainability have necessitated the application of novel green appr
Singh J, Kundu D, Das M and Banerjee R. Enzymatic Processing of juice from fruits/vegetables: An emerging trend and cutting edge research in food biotechnology. Enzymes in Food Biotechnology: Production, Applications, and Future Prospects. 419-432 (2019a). ...
Biotechnology is one of the high-tech in the 21st century.As a kind of effective and safe biological catalyst,enzymes have been widely used in food industry fields,exerting their highly effective,moderate,diverse and adjustable biological properties and inducing fresh thoughts for the development of ...
BiotechnologyCowsdairy industryEnzymesfood industryreviewsutilizationThe use of enzymes in the brewing industry, the dairy industry, the baking industry, in fruit and vegetable processing and in starch transformation is reviewed. Nutritional aspects of these processes are considered.doi:10.1080/...
The 10 chapters of this book deal with the following topics: fundamentals of enzyme activity; enzymes in the food industry; food enzymes and the new technology (biotechnology and genetic engineering); enzymes in milk and cheese production; enzymes in the meat industry; enzymes in the baking indus...
K.L. Regar, in Enzymes in Food Biotechnology, 2019 33.8 Future Line of Work (1) Soil enzymes act as indicators of microbial activity and reflect the influence of climatic conditions on the soil microbiome. Therefore, studies should be designed to track the kinetics of enzyme activities to ...
Preservative agents in foods: Mode of action and microbial resistance mechanisms 1999, International Journal of Food Microbiology Show abstract Cellulases and related enzymes in biotechnology 2000, Biotechnology Advances Show abstract Biology and biotechnology of Trichoderma 2010, Applied Microbiology and Biotec...