1w9,1w2,2w3,3w2,3w4 4w3,4w5,5w4,5w6,6w5 6w7,9w8,9w1 INFJ无法与8号主翼及7号主翼对应 8号与Te具有高关联性,INFJ的Te在第七位,为第三功能的阴影,虽然INFJ依然有侧翼8号的可能性,但理论中第三功能是内在小孩的位置,第七功能为阴影,因此9w8类型可以说是INFJ中最不稳定的。 7号则与Se/Ne具有高...
intp 5,6w5,9w8 istp 5,6,9 INJ 4号,5号 infj 1,2w1,4,6w5,9w1 intj 1,5,6w5 ISJ 1号...
For example, if someone who primarily identifies as type 9 also identifies more with type 8 than type 1 then they are said to be a 9 wing 8 (9w8). If that same person were to identify more with type 1 than type 8 then they'd be considered a 9 wing 1 (9w1). Enneagram wings ar...
intp 5,6w5,9w8 istp 5,6,9 INJ 4号,5号 infj 1,2w1,4,6w5,9w1 intj 1,5,6w5 ISJ 1号...