They typically have problems with inertia and stubbornness. At their Best: indomitable and all-embracing, they are able to bring people together and heal conflicts.Basic Fear: Of loss and separation Basic Desire: To have inner stability “peace of mind” Enneagram Nine with an Eight-Wing:“...
9w1:The Nine wing One type is a Nine who has many of the same features as theType One personality. This type is hardworking, friendly, modest, and generally more serious and diligent than other Nines. Common jobs for this type include nurse, veterinarian, religious worker and human resource...
Some people adopt one wing as part of their type identification, (i.e., “I’m a 4w3”), identifying strongly with the description of one wing as well as their primary type. In this way, wings can be understood as a more detailed way of typing yourself, also known as a subtype. ...
Each Enneagram type has two adjacent wings, one of which is more dominant than the other in each Type 9 person. When you take your Enneagram test, you'll learn which wing is dominant for you. Although they don't have as large an impact as your actual Enneagram type, wings still affect...
She was a 9 with a very strong 1 wing, which we both learned when she agreed to explore the Enneagram a couple of years before she died. I’m an 8 with a very strong 7 wing. To top it off, on the Riso-Hudson (RHETI) test, her lowest score was for 8 and my lowest score ...
For example, if someone who primarily identifies as type 9 also identifies more with type 8 than type 1 then they are said to be a 9 wing 8 (9w8). If that same person were to identify more with type 1 than type 8 then they'd be considered a 9 wing 1 (9w1). ...
Enneagram One with a Nine-Wing:“The Idealist” Enneagram One with a Two-Wing:“The Advocate”Key Motivations: Want to be right, to strive higher and improve everything, to be consistent with their ideals, to justify themselves, to be beyond criticism so as not to be condemned by anyone....
although it might be more accurately linked with a combined preference for Judging and Sensing (S). Of the IF types, ISFJs are the most likely to embrace a black-and-white set of moral beliefs and standards, thus inspiring many to self-identify as Ones or Nines with a One wing (9w1)...
11、oint6,andlater9,whereasimilar"push"isneeded.Iftheprocesspassespoint9,theinitialprocesswillend,whilegivingbirthtoanewone.ThelineofdevelopmentassociatedwiththeFourthWaydevelopedfromthewritingsofGurdjieff'sstudents-principally,and.TheydevelopedGurdjieff'sideasandlefttheirown|accounts. 12、Thereisanextensivebibli...
The process continues until point 6, and later 9, where a similar push is needed. If the process passes point 9, the initial process will end, while giving birth to a new one. The line of development associated with the Fourth Way developed from the writings of Gurdjieffs students - ...