Enneagram Nine with an Eight-Wing:“The Referee” Enneagram Nine with a One-Wing:“The Dreamer”Key Motivations: Want to create harmony in their environment, to avoid conflicts and tension, to preserve things as they are, to resist whatever would upset or disturb them.The Meaning of the Arro...
The wings are represented by the two numbers on either side of anEnneagram typeas seen on theEnneagram symbol. Generally, one wing will have more of an influence than the other. This is called your preferred wing or dominant wing. For example, if someone who primarily identifies as type 9 ...
Some people adopt one wing as part of their type identification, (i.e., “I’m a 4w3”), identifying strongly with the description of one wing as well as their primary type. In this way, wings can be understood as a more detailed way of typing yourself, also known as a subtype. ...
9w1:The Nine wing One type is a Nine who has many of the same features as theType One personality. This type is hardworking, friendly, modest, and generally more serious and diligent than other Nines. Common jobs for this type include nurse, veterinarian, religious worker and human resource...
Each Enneagram type has two adjacent wings, one of which is more dominant than the other in each Type 9 person. When you take your Enneagram test, you'll learn which wing is dominant for you. Although they don't have as large an impact as your actual Enneagram type, wings still affect...
for Judging and Sensing (S). Of the IF types, ISFJs are the most likely to embrace a black-and-white set of moral beliefs and standards, thus inspiring many to self-identify as Ones or Nines with a One wing (9w1). As idealistic J types, INFJs will also exhibit certain One ...
Some Enneagram theorists believe that one of the Wings will always have a more dominant influence on an individual's personality, while others believe that either Wing ca 55、n be dominant at any particular time depending on the person's circumstances and development.This aspect of Enneagram ...
Riso and Hudson distinguish 9 levels of mental healthand have type descriptions for each level of each enneagram type.WingsUsually one has characteristics of one of the types that lie adjacent to one's own that are more prominent. This is called the wing. So someone who is a type 5, ...
“The Peacemaker,” is more of a passive type that tends to eschew conflict in order to maintain a sense of inner peace. In many respects, the 9 is the opposite of type 1, with the latter being more aggressive and willing to fight for change. I thus see the 9 wing as having a ...
Enneagram One with a Two-Wing:“The Advocate”Key Motivations: Want to be right, to strive higher and improve everything, to be consistent with their ideals, to justify themselves, to be beyond criticism so as not to be condemned by anyone.The Meaning of the Arrows (in brief)When...