相反,福音是应验了旧约,亚伯拉罕——因信称义——就是我们的模范。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com
i. Paul said this was a commandment (1 Thessalonians 4:2). That word was a military term describing an order from an officer to a subordinate, and the order came from Jesus and not from Paul. ii. The ancient writer Demosthenes expressed the generally amoral view of sex in the ancient ...
b.当看自己……向上帝在基督耶稣里,却当看自己是活的:向罪是死的,这仅仅是等式的一边。旧人不在了,但新人会继续活下去(像罗马书6:4-5的叙述)。 c.所以,不要容罪在你们必死的身上作王:这样的话语只能应用于基督徒,就是已经将旧人与基督同钉十字架,并在耶稣里赐予了新人的人。只有从罪中得了释放的人,...
i. The Scriptures are clear:if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together(Romans 8:17). Glory is tied to suffering, and God will accomplish in us a glory far heavier than any affliction we have suffered here. “Affliction is not something to be endured in order...
· 上帝的审判是按着行为表现,而不是知识(罗2:13)。 · 上帝的审判深入到心里的隐秘事(罗2:16)。 · 上帝的审判是按着事实,而不是口头的敬虔(罗2:17-19)。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com
2.(3-4)犹太人的不信并不证明上帝有错。 即便有不信的,这有何妨呢?难道他们的不信,就废掉上帝的信吗?断乎不能!不如说,上帝是真实的,人都是虚谎的。如经上所记:“你责备人的时候,显为公义;被人议论的时候,可以得胜。” a.即便有不信的,这有何妨呢?犹太人整体上到这个时候已经弃绝了福音,这种状况...
b. Our word to you was not Yes and No: Paul did not say Yes and mean No or say No and mean Yes, as the Corinthian Christians accused him. 4. (19-22) Paul knew their accusations were wrong based on spiritual reasons. For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you...
First, because of what Adam did to us and the whole human race, we are appointed to wrath (Romans 5:14-19). Second, because of our own sin, we are appointed to wrath. When Jesus died on the cross, He stood in our place in our appointment to wrath and reschedules us with an ...
· 他的得胜,是以更大的爱,以爱征服仇敌,以忍耐使逼迫的人归正。 e.是别的受造之物,都不能使我们与上帝的爱隔绝,这爱是在我们的主基督耶稣里的:表面上善的东西,或表面上恶的东西,没有一样能使我们与上帝的爱隔绝。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com...
诚实先生最后的一句话是:‘一切都在恩典之中。’说完他就离了尘世。” (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com