Emily Dickinson: A Syllable 上周晚上偶得,今錄下: 先錄原詩: Could mortal lip divine the undeveloped freight Of a delivered syllable, 'T would crumble with the weight. 首句無the。速朽的唇,言說著人類的一切行動。 虛擬語氣,但邏輯并不重要。 Developed&d... (展开) ...
I am afraid to own a Body— 74.7k Had I not seen the Sun 74.4k Sometimes with the Heart 67.8k The saddest noise, the sweetest noise 65.4k There is a solitude of space 60.8k I’m “wife”—I’ve finished that 59.0k Bee! I’m expecting you!
Emily Dickinson's Poems-艾美莉狄金森的詩人世界听友38497720 88322 艾米莉·狄金森(Emily Dickinson)(1830~1886) ,为美国隐士女诗人,生前写过一千七百多首令人耳目一新的短诗,却不为人知,死后名声大噪。 她诗风独特,以文字细腻、观察敏锐、意象突出著称。题材方面多半是自然、死亡、和永生。 现在她被推崇为美国...
Although Higginson advised Dickinson against publishing her poetry, he did see the creative originality in her poetry, and he remained Emily’s “preceptor” for the remainder of her life. It was after that correspondence in 1862 that Emily decided against publishing her poems, and, as a result...
Learn about Emily Dickinson. Read an Emily Dickinson biography. Explore an analysis of one of Emily Dickinson's poems and discover Emily...
百度试题 题目Emily Dickinson’s poems are usually based on her own experiences, her sorrows and joys.相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 正确 反馈 收藏
《艾米莉狄金森诗集 英文原版 The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson 艾米丽迪金森 诗歌文学 Emily Dickinson 全英文版进口英语书》,作者:艾米莉狄金森诗集 英文原版 The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson 艾米丽迪金森 诗歌文学 Emily Dickinson 全英文版进口英语书Emi
hock:霍克酒,莱茵白葡萄酒。sherry: “雪莉酒”是由西班牙语Jerez的音译化而来,在西班牙,它的名字应该是“赫雷斯”酒。而和很多的[欧洲]名酒的得名规律一样,它也以产地得名。“赫雷斯”是位于西班牙南部海岸的一个小镇,小镇附近富含石灰质的土壤,适于生长品种葡萄巴洛米诺(Palomino),这种白葡萄...
欢迎收听由主播Wilson_Zhu创作的【Emily Dickinson Poems】,目前已更新25个节目,最新音频章节“The Daisy Follows Soft the Sun”。诗歌美文、外语读物、外语分类有声读物推荐,高清全集在线收听,小说完整版打包下载。
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