Emily Dickinson was a very famous American poet. She wrote about 2,000 poems, but only four were published in her lifetime. No one wanted to publish her works because it was different from what other poets wrote. After Dickinson died, her poems were finally published. Then she became famou...
In her exploration of this theme, Dickinson delves into topics such as the passage of time, the beauty of nature, the fleeting nature of happiness, and the inevitability of death. One of Dickinson's most famous poems addressing the theme of life is "I Dwell in Possibility" (number 657)....
Emily Dickinson was a very famous American poet(诗人).She wrote about 2,000 poems, but only four werepublished in her lifetime. No one wanted to publish herworks because they were different from what other poetswrote. After Dickinson died, her poems were finallypublished.Then she became ...
One of her most famous poems, "Because I could not stop for Death", explores the theme of mortality. In the poem, Dickinson personifies death as a gentleman caller who takes her on a carriage ride through various stages of life, until they finally arrive at her final resting place. This...
I am afraid to own a Body— 74.3k Sometimes with the Heart 73.3k Had I not seen the Sun 66.9k The saddest noise, the sweetest noise 64.2k There is a solitude of space 59.3k I’m “wife”—I’ve finished that 58.4k Bee! I’m expecting you!
CoradellaCollegiateBookshelfEditions.Poems.Dickinson.Emily ContentsOpenPurchasetheentireCoradellaCollegiateBookshelfonCDathttp://collegebookshelf.net
即便人们分辨不清,但令他们深深感到不安的正是孤独。但孤独就像一个沙漏,上面充满黑暗,中间最甚,而一旦滑过最暗的中点下面都是光明。但大部分人没有那个勇气,故此,夏目漱石说:人看着悠闲,可一旦叩其内心深处,总是发出悲凉的声音。 她的诗都是没有标题的,因为是给自己看的:...
Title: Poems [Series 1] by Emily Dickinson Series One Edited by two of her friends MABEL LOOMIS TODD and T.W.HIGGINSON PREFACE. THE verses of Emily Dickinson belong emphatically to what Emerson long since called "the Poetry of the Portfolio,"--something produced absolutely without the thought...
After Dickinson died.her poems were finally published. Then she became famous.Some things about Emily Dickinson's life were strange and mysterious(神秘的). She was born in1830, in a rich and well known family in Amherst,Massachusetts. She had a brother and a sister.②Emily很害羞很安静,但是...