emily dickinson关于生命主题的英文诗歌emily dickinson关于生命主题的英文诗歌 Emily Dickinson's Poems on the Theme of Life Oh, Emily Dickinson! Her poems about life are like little gems hidden in the vast literary treasure chest. You know, when we talk about life, it's such a big and complex...
⛓ Poems. Emily Dickinson 艾米莉·狄金森诗集第一版,三册分别出版于1890、1891&1896。蛮符合她个人气质的简约设计,狄金森一生中大部分时间都是与世隔绝的,只发表了10首诗和一封信。直到她1886年去世后,她的...
79.1k I am afraid to own a Body— 76.3k Had I not seen the Sun 74.6k Sometimes with the Heart 69.6k The saddest noise, the sweetest noise 67.1k There is a solitude of space 63.0k I’m “wife”—I’ve finished that 59.9k
艾米莉·狄金森(Emily Dickinson, 1830 - 1886),美国传奇女诗人。生前发表的作品屈指可数,直到死后,她的妹妹发现了其藏有约1800首诗歌的箱子后,她的作品才渐渐为世人所知。狄金森出生于马萨诸塞州的阿默斯特镇,她的爷爷创建了阿默斯特学院,父亲是当地的一位律师。她个性孤僻好静,一生未嫁,25岁开始闭门不出...
艾米莉·狄金森(Emily Dickinson)(1830~1886) ,为美国隐士女诗人,生前写过一千七百多首令人耳目一新的短诗,却不为人知,死后名声大噪。 她诗风独特,以文字细腻、观察敏锐、意象突出著称。题材方面多半是自然、死亡、和永生。 现在她被推崇为美国一流诗人,并且被20世纪美国意象派诗人视为先驱,开创了20世纪现代主义诗...
Emily Dickinson was a very famous American poet. She wrote about 2,000 poems, but only four were published in her lifetime. No one wanted to publish her works because it was different from what other poets wrote. After Dickinson died, her poems were finally published. Then she became famou...
Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson 712 Because I could not stop for Death – He kindly stopped for me – The Carriage held but just Ourselves – And Immortality. We slowly drove – He knew no haste And I had put away My labor and my leisure too, ...
Title: Poems [Series 1] by Emily Dickinson Series One Edited by two of her friends MABEL LOOMIS TODD and T.W.HIGGINSON PREFACE. THE verses of Emily Dickinson belong emphatically to what Emerson long since called "the Poetry of the Portfolio,"--something produced absolutely without the thought...
I wonder if They bore it long — Or did it just begin — I could not tell the Date of Mine — It feels so old a pain — I wonder if it hurts to live — And if They have to try — And whether — could They choose between — It would not be — to die — I note that Som...
Emily Dickinson proved that brevity can be beautiful. Only now is her complete oeuvre--all 1,775 poems--available in its original form, uncorrupted by editorial revision, in one volume. Thomas H. Johnson, a longtime Dickinson scholar, arranged the poems in chronological order as far as could...