Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson 712 Because I could not stop for Death – He kindly stopped for me – The Carriage held but just Ourselves – And Immortality. We slowly drove – He knew no haste And I had put away My labor and my leisure too, ...
79.1k I am afraid to own a Body— 76.3k Had I not seen the Sun 74.6k Sometimes with the Heart 69.6k The saddest noise, the sweetest noise 67.1k There is a solitude of space 63.0k I’m “wife”—I’ve finished that 59.9k
Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson PAL: Perspectives in American Literature - A Research and Reference Guide An Ongoing Online Project © Paul P. Reuben | Dickinson Page | Alphabetical List | Chap 4: Index | Table Of Contents | Home Page | Johnson, Thomas H., ed. Complete Poems. Boston:...
1. For each ecstatic instant We must an anguish pay For each beloved hour Sharp pittances of years --- Compensation 2. Till brooms fade softly into stars-- And then I come away. 3. Wild nights! Wild nights! Were I with thee, Wild nights should be Our luxury! for Blue 4. Hope is...
12 Poems of Emily DickinsonAaron Copland
Emily Dickinson, Poems Series One, 1890I. LifeI.SUCCESS.[Published in “A Masque of Poets” at the request of “H.H.,” the author’s fellow-townswoman and friend.]Success is counted sweetest By those who ne’er succeed. To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need.Not one of all the...
> 我来写笔记 > Emily Dickinson's Poems 作者: Emily Dickinson 副标题: As She Preserved Them isbn: 0674737962 书名: Emily Dickinson's Poems 页数: 864 定价: USD 39.95 出版社: Belknap Press 装帧: Hardcover 出版年: 2016-4-11© 2005-2025, all rights reserved 北京豆网科技有限...
I wonder if They bore it long — Or did it just begin — I could not tell the Date of Mine — It feels so old a pain — I wonder if it hurts to live — And if They have to try — And whether — could They choose between — It would not be — to die — I note that Som...
Whotooktheflagtoday 今日虽高扬凯旗,Cantellthedefinition,却无一人能把胜利的含义Soclear,ofvictory,说清道明.Ashe,defeated,dying,战败者奄奄一息,Onwhoseforbiddenear 凯乐在远处奏响,Thedistantstrainsoftriumph 冲破阻隔,飞到他的耳际Break,agonizedandclear.悲痛而喷亮.AcommonideainDickinsonspoemsisthatnothaving...
Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Poems 1. Hope Is The Thing With Feathers 'Hope' is the thing with feathers— That perches in the soul— ... Read Poem 2. "Why Do I Love" You, Sir? 480 "Why do I love" You, Sir? Because—