1.通过getExtension(扩展id) 判断是否存在扩展程序 2.loadExtension加载本地扩展文件 注意:path.join(__dirname, line_type) 此处为相对路径,因为loadExtension不支持绝对路径 开发环境下__dirname为项目目录,生产环境下为应用目录下
上面这段代码在开发环境加载line没有问题,但是在打包后报错,原因是因为打包成mac的资源文件是一个asar的文件 解决方法: 在package.json文件配置中一个build选项添加一个配置asar,并设置为false,结果就是资源文件变成了一个名为app的文件夹资源目录 "build": { "productName": "MyGoKu", "appId": "MyGoKu", "...
1.react,typescript,electron框架构建 2. 如何编译打包webview的preload 3.webview的内嵌方式,webview,browserview 4.集成扩展程序 5. electron 打windows和mac包 electron-builder build -wm --publish never 6.js注入导致第三方页面打开缓慢 关闭webview的webSecurity 7.excel文件导出 // 导出import*asXLSXfrom'xl...
PURPOSE:To improve light emitting efficiency by coating thinly inorganic powder fluorescent material on the surface of plastic seintillator layer and by emitting electron line emitted from the fluorescent material side after converting to light from the back surface of the plastic seintillator layor....
However, the present many-body theory shows that even without the presence of the PCI, the L 2 coincidence-photoelectron line shifts from the XPS spectral peak position towards the lower kinetic energy side, irrespective of the Auger-electron analyzer's positions. The energy shift depends on the...
编译electron报错: AI检测代码解析 In file included from ../../electron/shell/browser/api/atom_api_web_contents.h:33: ../../third_party/webrtc/pc/rtp_sender.h:187:32: error: non-const static data member must be initialized out of line ...
Command line tool to edit resources of exe. Contribute to electron/rcedit development by creating an account on GitHub.
An in-line electron gun includes an electron beam forming area formed with first and second grids, a main electrostatic focusing lens with first and second accelerating/focusing electrodes, and a shield cup. The first accelerating/focusing electrode is formed in a horizontally elongated rectangular ho...
Easily install and uninstall developer tools into your electron development environment, directly from the chrome webstore. Installation npm install -g dti You should now have thedticommand available to you in the command line. Usage dti [<args>] Quickly install and uninstall electron developer to...
Electron-Paramagnetic-Resonance Line Shape of ${\\mathrm{Ni}}^{2+}$ in MgO The derivative EPR line shape of Niin MgO (S=1) consists of (a) a broad line due to the ΔM=1 transitions, which are inhomogeneously broadened by strains, (b) a sharp ΔM=2 double-quantum transition, and...