Auger electron lineshape anal. is presented as a potential new tool to study some of the fundamental unresolved issues of the Staebler-Wronski effect. Results are presented for x-ray excited Si L1L2,3V and L2,3VV spectra for c-Si and chem. vapor deposited a-Si after disordering and then...
The spectroscopy of its mono-energetic conversion electron lines reveals information about the broadening σP of the lineshape, from which an upper limit of ΔP is derived82. The calibration was performed at an elevated source temperature of T = 80 K to prevent the condensation of Kr ...
Importantly, this “stick” treatment ignores EPR and hyperfine anisotropy, both of which in addition to normal linebroadening will add a lineshape to the ENDOR features. The ENDOR experiment can be performed by either continuous-wave or pulsed (ESE-detected) methods. View chapter Chapter EPR on...
The similar lineshape between the Re Σ and Re ΣΚΚ further supports the existence of the antinodal kink. The rest of the dataset is shown in Supplementary Fig. 1. Fig. 3: Imaginary part of self-energy. a Imaginary parts of self-energies (Im Σ) of the antinodal data in Figs. 1...
We study the photoluminescence lineshape of electron and hole trions as function of temperature both experimentally and theoretically. Trion spectra were measured in undoped high-quality GaAs quantum wells. Depending on the excitation energy, an excess hole or electron density is present in the quantum...
Abstract We study the photoluminescence lineshape of electron and hole trions as function of temperature both experimentally and theoretically. Trion spectra were measured in undoped high-quality GaAs quantum wells. Depending on the excitation energy, an excess hole or electron density is present in the...
In addition, the FCC-ee beam energies will be monitored with a relative precision of 10−6 [24], warranting a sub-MeV accuracy of the exact point in the Higgs lineshape being probed at any moment. Taking mH = 125 GeV, Eq. (1) gives σee→H = 4π B(H → e+ e−)/m 2 H...
vacancies; (D) the satellite to main peak intensity ratios are very similar for both the L3 and L2 spectra; (E) comparison with spectra from PdAg alloys indicate the intrinsic nature of the losses; and (F) energy loss spectra present lineshape variations inconsistent with the satellite ...
A lineshape transition occurs near 160 K in Eu(NH 3) 6, and this transition diminishes with decreasing x and disappears for x ≲ 0.1. It is proposed that this transition arises from a crystallographic distortion at the Eu site and that its disappearance is associated with rapid NH 3 ...
We study the photoluminescence lineshape of electron and hole trions as function of temperature both experimentally and theoretically. Trion spectra were measured in undoped high-quality GaAs quantum wells. Depending on the excitation energy, an excess hole or electron density is present in the quantum...