创建项目 前提是有nodejs环境,网上有很多教程,这里不细说了。 参考官方教程http://www.electronjs.org/docs/tutorial/quick-start#prerequisites 通过下面的命令创建项目 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 mkdir my-electron-app&&cd my-electron-app npm init-y npm i--save-dev electron 创建...
semiconductor counters/ electron line intensitysemiconductor detectorelectron spectroscopyA double focusing electron spectrometer has been used to determine precise relative intensities of internal conversion electron (ICE) lines following the decay of 152Eu in order to produce a suitable standard for solid ...
Lateral Resolution/Probe Size:1 nm Would you like to learn more about using Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy? Contact us today for your Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) needs. Please complete the form below to have an EAG expert contact you. ...
Measures were adopted to mitigate the electronic noise produced in the signal waveforms by the external trigger: the xenon flash lamp was rehoused in a stray electromagnetic interference box, and galvanic insulation and ferrite filters were added to the trigger line. The lamp was placed outside th...
return `${file.split('\\').join('/').split('/').pop()}:${line}:${column}`; }; const match = error.stack.match(/\n {4}at (.*) \((.*):(\d*):(\d*)\)/); if (match) { stack = `${match[1]} (${format(match[2], match[3], match[4])})`; ...
6. Our results confirm the trend observed in the literature (Tc increases with the carrier density) and demonstrate that our growth method, while being much easier to implement than the molecular beam epitaxy of a rare-earth element such as Eu or the pulsed laser deposition of a complex ...
All these results imply that the kink observed in the antinodal region in LCCO may be attributed to the B1g and Eu phonon modes. However, there are still some concerns. Firstly, we suggest a phonon origin based on the features of the kink, for its existence in the highly overdoped ...
A similar valence change of Eu in Eu_{1-x}La_xPd_3 is predicted for x >= 0.4, in line with the suggested electron count scenario.doi:10.48550/arXiv.1203.1865M. SchmittR. GumeniukA. TrapanantiG. AquilantiH. RosnerPhysics
The dashed line is for a bimolecular reaction (kdiff) under diffusion control in the maximum region; the solid line is for a unimolecular reaction (kuni). Involvement of the high-frequency modes can cause strong deviation from the Marcus equation (8.12). The inverted Marcus region can not be...
Electron paramagnetic resonance of Gd/sup 3+/ ions in the superconductor GdBaCuO/sub x A strong paramagnetic resonance signal characteristic of Cu2+ ions in ‖x2-y2〉 states is observed in the high-Tc90 K superconductor Y0.2Ba0.8CuOx. The line intensity of the ioniclike signal shows a ...