"While it’s never the outcome that we hope for, the risk of launch failure is one Planet is always prepared for," the company said in a statement. Those launches are scheduled to ride to orbit atop a European Vega rocket as well as a Falcon 9. Since its formation, Rocket Lab has...
oom- 进程内存不足 launch-failed- 进程从未成功启动 integrity-failure- 窗口代码完整性检查失败 exitCodeInteger - 进程的退出代码,除非在reason是launch-failed的情况下,exitCode将是一个平台特定的启动失败错误代码。 6、应用退出 app.on('will-quit',(event, webContents, details) =>{// timer 或者 关闭第...
30 after the stalwart small rocket and spacecraft providersuffered a relatively rare launch failure on Sept. 19.The adjustments stem from the postponement of a scheduledElectron rocket mission that was previously expected tolaunch before the end of the third quarter, which ends Sept. 30. Itwas ...
当 Electron 完成初始化时,发出⼀次。 On macOS, launchInfo holds the userInfo of the NSUserNotification that was used to open the application, if it was launched from Notification Center. You can also call app.isReady() to check if this event has already fired and app.whenReady() to get...
launch-failure - Process never successfully launched integrity-failure - Windows code integrity checks failedEmitted when the renderer process unexpectedly dissapears. This is normally because it was crashed or killed.Event: 'accessibility-support-changed' macOS WindowsReturns:event...
The collaboration, which reviewed more than 25,000 channels of data, as well as extensive testing, found an electrical connection problem to be the cause of launch failure. The connection increases resistance thereby causing heat and thermal expansion in the electrical component. ...
launch-failed - Process never successfully launched integrity-failure - Windows code integrity checks failed exitCode Number - The exit code for the process (e.g. status from waitpid if on posix, from GetExitCodeProcess on Windows). name String (optional) - The name of the process. i.e. ...
launch-failed - Process never successfully launched integrity-failure - Windows code integrity checks failedEmitted when the renderer process unexpectedly disappears. This is normally because it was crashed or killed.Event: 'unresponsive'Emitted when the web page becomes unresponsive.Event...
Rocket Lab is now set to return to the pad in August to launch a dedicated mission from Launch Complex 1 Pad A on New Zealand’s Māhia Peninsula. Specific details of the launch window and customer will be provided in the coming days. Share thisMore...
integrity-failure - Windows code integrity checks failed exitCode Integer - The exit code of the process, unless reason is launch-failed, in which case exitCode will be a platform-specific launch failure error code.Emitted when the renderer process unexpectedly disappears. This is normally because...