Created a demo electron appwith electron version>=10and generated the exe with electron-builder. When I opened the app, the app failed to launch with below error, [2752:1201/] GPU process launch failed: error_code=40 [2752:1201/155923.268:ERROR:gpu...
[Bug]: App launch failed with error- "gpu process launch failed: error_code=40" #21690 Sign in to view logs Summary Jobs Remove blocked/{need-info,need-repro} on comment Run details Usage Workflow file Triggered via issue December 27, 2024 22:14 Crypto-Spartan commented on #32074...
Event: 'gpu-info-update'Emitted whenever there is a GPU info update.EN事件: 'gpu-process-crashed' 已废弃返回:event Event killed Boolean当gpu进程崩溃或关闭(杀死)时触发已废弃:这个事件被包含更多子进程退出信息原因的child-process-gone事件取代了。 It isn't always because it crashed. The killed ...
23、出现闪退 [9456:0425/] GPU process launch failed: error_code=18 [9456:0425/] GPU process isn't usable. Goodbye. 1. 2. 解决:从package.json删掉"requestedExecutionLevel": “requireAdministrator” ...
Event: 'gpu-info-update'Emitted whenever there is a GPU info update.Event: 'gpu-process-crashed' DeprecatedReturns:event Event killed BooleanEmitted when the GPU process crashes or is killed.Deprecated: This event is superceded by the child-process-gone event which contains more information about...
你能自己控制 GPU 渲染管线,实现渲染的硬件加速吗? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. GUI 起源:从 1979 年乔布斯造访施乐 PARC 算起 GUI 架构:过程化绘制(drawLine、drawRect)-> 面向对象抽象时代 -> 界面与样式分离时代 -> MVC、MVVM 时代 -> 声明式、组件式时代(Vue、React、RN、Weex、Flutter) ...
(Native) Role: Default Parent Process: launchd [1] Coalition: com.ldtalentwork.thea [171678] Date/Time: 2023-12-19 17:39:39.5882 -0600 Launch Time: 2023-12-19 17:39:39.4860 -0600 OS Version: macOS 13.5 (22G74) Release Type: User Report Version: 104 Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (...
事件: 'gpu-process-crashed'已废弃 返回: eventEvent killedBoolean 当gpu进程崩溃或关闭(杀死)时触发 已废弃:这个事件被包含更多子进程退出信息原因的child-process-gone事件取代了。 并不总是因为崩溃而触发。 当你换用child-process-gone事件时,原事件的killed布尔值可以被reason === 'killed'取代。
("setAppVersion", app.getVersion()); store.dispatch("setCpuHashrate", null); store.dispatch("setGpuHashrate", null); store.dispatch("setMiningCPU", false); store.dispatch("setMiningGPU", false); mainWindow.loadURL(winURL); mainWindow.on("closed", () => { mainWindow = null; }); ...
Process: Main The following example shows how to quit the application when the last window is closed: const{app}=require('electron')app.on('window-all-closed',()=>{app.quit()}) 事件 app对象会发出以下事件: Events Theappobject emits the following events: ...