当看似安装完成,运行项目时,终端上出现以下错误: 代码语言:txt 复制 Error: Electron failed to install correctly, please delete node_modules/electron and try installing again 问题分析 安装过程看似很快就完成了,没报任何错误,而实际上 Electron 安装失败,只生成了 node_modules/electron 目录,目录中的文件不完整...
2019-08-05 20:22:07:822 [info] http proxy server listen at: 2019-08-05 20:22:07:857 [error] Unhandled Rejection at: Promise [object Promise], reason: Error: net::ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED 2019-08-05 20:22:07:892 [error] http proxy server connect error: Error: ...
同一个 UID 多端登录互踢导致的重进房。 终端出现提示“Electron failed to install correctly”? 当看似安装完成,运行项目时,终端上出现以下错误: Error: Electron failed toinstallcorrectly, please delete node_modules/electron and try installing again 按照如下三个步骤进行手动下载: 1.执行npm config get cac...
vlcProcess=vlcProcessreturntrue}catch(error){console.log(`Failed to open VLC:${error.message}`)returnfalse}} 代码解释: 首先,它检查vlc是否已经在运行,如果是,则调用onOpenVideo方法并返回。 然后,根据传入的seekTime参数来处理开始播放的时间。如果seekTime的模式是ab或ab-loop,则会处理A-B片段的播放,并...
Electron Version:electron@2.0.3 Operating System (Platform and Version):Windows 8 Last known working Electron version: N/A Expected Behavior Expected electron to open on command 'electron .' Actual behavior error 'electron' is not recogn...
// The myPartitionrealm is nowsyncedto the device.You can //access it throughthe `realm` object returned by `Realm.open()` //write to therealm } run().catch(err=>{ console.error("Failed to open realm:",err) }); Note realm-electron-advanced-quickstart ...
EN事件: 'open-url' macOS返回:event Event url String当用户想要在应用中打开一个 URL 时发出。 Your application's Info.plist file must define the URL scheme within the CFBundleURLTypes key, and set NSPrincipalClass to AtomApplication.如果你想处理这个事件,你应该调用 event.preventDefault()。
launch-failed- 进程从未成功启动 integrity-failure- 窗口代码完整性检查失败 exitCodeInteger - 进程的退出代码,除非在reason是launch-failed的情况下,exitCode将是一个平台特定的启动失败错误代码。 6、应用退出 app.on('will-quit',(event, webContents, details) =>{// timer 或者 关闭第三方的进程}); ...
error('exe open failed', err); return; } console.log('exe open success', data.toString()); }); } // 下载文件 const dowloadFile = (url) => { console.log('url', url); // 获取文件名称 // const name = url.split('/').pop().split('_')[0] + '.' + url.split('/')....
console.error('Vue Devtools failed to install:', e.toString()) } } createWindow() }) if (isDevelopment) { if (process.platform === 'win32') { process.on('message', (data) => { if (data === 'graceful-exit') { app.quit() ...