vlcProcess=vlcProcessreturntrue}catch(error){console.log(`Failed to open VLC:${error.message}`)returnfalse}} 代码解释: 首先,它检查vlc是否已经在运行,如果是,则调用onOpenVideo方法并返回。 然后,根据传入的seekTime参数来处理开始播放的时间。如果seekTime的模式是ab或ab-loop,则会处理A-B片段的播放,并...
However, with webSecurity turned on for the browserView the file picker does open up but I'm unable to read the name property "document" on "Window" with this error: Uncaught DOMException: Failed to read a named property 'document' from 'Window': Blocked a frame with origin "https://[m...
终端出现提示“Electron failed to install correctly”? 当看似安装完成,运行项目时,终端上出现以下错误: Error: Electron failed to install correctly, please delete node_modules/electron and try installing again 按照如下三个步骤进行手动下载: 1. 执行npm config get cache查看缓存目录。 2. 手动下载 Electron...
// The myPartitionrealm is nowsyncedto the device.You can //access it throughthe `realm` object returned by `Realm.open()` //write to therealm } run().catch(err=>{ console.error("Failed to open realm:",err) }); Note realm-electron-advanced-quickstart ...
Community Info on reporting bugs, getting help, finding third-party tools and sample apps, and more can be found on the Community page. License MIT When using Electron logos, make sure to follow OpenJS Foundation Trademark Policy.About Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, an...
launch-failed- 进程从未成功启动 integrity-failure- 窗口代码完整性检查失败 exitCodeInteger - 进程的退出代码,除非在reason是launch-failed的情况下,exitCode将是一个平台特定的启动失败错误代码。 6、应用退出 app.on('will-quit',(event, webContents, details) =>{// timer 或者 关闭第三方的进程}); ...
EN事件: 'open-url' macOS返回:event Event url String当用户想要在应用中打开一个 URL 时发出。 Your application's Info.plist file must define the URL scheme within the CFBundleURLTypes key, and set NSPrincipalClass to AtomApplication.如果你想处理这个事件,你应该调用 event.preventDefault()。
to create browser windows.// Some APIs can only be used after this event occurs.app.on('ready',async()=>{if(isDevelopment&&!process.env.IS_TEST){// Install Vue Devtoolstry{awaitinstallExtension(VUEJS_DEVTOOLS)}catch(e){console.error('Vue Devtools failedtoinstall:',e.toString())}}...
2. 项目开发模式运行出现 Failed to fetch extension 警告 由于网络问题, 开发模式无法下载 vue devtool 导致的警告, 需要在 background.js 中注释掉下载代码 image.png 3. 项目使用本地的vue devtools ① 首先可以将vue devtools的代码clone下来, 然后进行编译 ...
“I found a bug or I have a question” Open an issue “I want to support development” Donate Installation Yarn is strongly recommended instead of npm. yarn add electron-builder --dev Note for PNPM In order to use with pnpm, you'll need to adjust your .npmrc to use any one the foll...