Hurley B, Subramaniam R, Guttman DS, Desveaux D (2014) Proteomics of effector-triggered immunity (ETI) in plants. Virulence 5(7):752–760. : 10.4161/viru.36329Hurley, B., Subramaniam, R., Guttman, D. S. & Desveaux, D. Proteomics of effector-triggered immunity (ETI) in...
Pattern-triggered immunity (PTI) and effector-triggered immunity (ETI) in plants enable them to respond to pathogens by activating the production of defence metabolites that orchestrate immune responses1,2,3,4. How the production of defence metabolites is promoted by immune receptors and coordinated ...
This "effector triggered immunity" (ETI) was first discovered in plants but recent evidence suggest that the process is also well conserved in metazoans. We will discuss salient points of the mechanism of ETI in metazoans from recent studies done in mammalian cells and invertebrate model hosts. ...
infection area. This response is reminiscent of localized acquired resistance (LAR). LAR is a strong defence response occurring in a ~2 mm area around cells in contact with the pathogen and probably serves to prevent the spread of pathogens. Here we propose that effector-triggered immunity is...
Intracellular nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors (NLRs) are basic elements of innate immunity in plants and animals. Whereas animal NLRs react to conserved microbe- or damage-associated molecular patterns, plant NLRs intercept the actions of diverse pathogen virulence factors ...
Plant immunity comprises two overlapping components known as pattern-triggered immunity (PTI) and effector-triggered immunity (ETI). PTI serves as the initial line of defence activated upon the recognition of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), which are conserved molecules commonly found in...
Effector-triggered immunity (ETI) is a vital mechanism for host recognition of pathogen virulence effectors to trigger defense (Jones and Dangl, 2006, Stuart et al., 2013). In plants, ETI is activated by nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NB-LRR) receptors, which are divided into two ma...
Chapter 1 PAMP-Triggered Basal Immunity in Plants Significant progress has recently been made in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms that underpin a plant's ability to cope with microbial infection. A new concept has derived thereof that provides evidence for a functional link... T Nürnb...
Figure 1. Phenotypes of effector-triggered defence (ETD), effector-triggered immunity (ETI), or effector-triggered susceptibility (ETS) associated with recognition of effectors from representative fungal or oomycete leaf pathogens (featured in Table 1 or Table 2, main text) by contrast with phenotype...
It can be based instead on the ability of the host to sense perturbations in host cells induced by bacterial toxins or 'effectors' that are encoded by pathogenic microorganisms. Such 'effector-triggered immunity' was previously demonstrated mainly in plants, but recent data confirm that animals ...