Effect Sizes of Somatic Mutations in Lung Cancer: Identifying New Targets and Prioritizing Old OnesAnimal distributions are influenced by variation in predation risk in space, which has been described as the "landscape of fear." Many studies suggest animals also reduce predation risk by eavesdropping...
Munro S, Oppermann U, La Thangue NB. Pleiotropic effect of somatic mutations in the E2F subunit DP-1 gene in human cancer. Oncogene 2014 ; 33:3594-3603; PMID: 23934193 ; http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1038/onc.2013.316Munro S, U Oppermann, NB La Thangue. Pleiotropic effect of so- matic ...
The Effect of Photoaging on the Accumulation of Somatic Mutations in Cancer-Free Human SkinSomatic mutationAgingSkin phototypeNext-generation sequencingUV exposureNormal epidermiscarcinogenesisMutational spectrumSunlight is the principal aetiological factor associated with skin cancer development. However, genetic ...
Latent Effect In subject area: Engineering Latent effects are those in which exposure is followed by some period of time before a specific response is developed. From: Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, 2014 About this pageSet alert Discover other topics ...
[29,30]. Generally, a larger number or stronger reprogramming factors can improve the efficiency and quality of iPSC generation, although this practice can increase the risk of tumor formation or the formation of ectopic tissue. Safer or more efficient vectors can avoid insertional mutations in ...
sizes ranging from single to several million base pairs (bp) [4,5]. For example, in 179 human genomes there were 1.13 million short indels identified [6] indicating an estimate of 1 million indels per human genome (1 in 3600 bps on average). Similarly, recent studies have revealed a ...
Effect sizes of several driver mutations, most notably BRAF V600E, were orders of magnitude higher in metastatic tumors than in primary tumors. Furthermore, certain variants, particularly NONO R184L, were highly selected along the trajectory from normal tissue to primary tumors, yet new mutations...
Head and neck: Journal for the sciences and specialities of the head and neckWu ES, Park JY, Zeitouni JA, Gomez CR, Reis IM, Zhao W, et al. Effect of actionable somatic mutations on racial/ethnic dispa- rities in head and neck cancer prognosis. Head Neck 2016;38: 1234-41....
U.La ThangueN. B.ONCOGENE -BASINGSTOKE-Munro S, U Oppermann, NB La Thangue. Pleiotropic effect of so- matic mutations in the E2F subunit DP-1 gene in human cancer[J]. Oncogene, 2014, 33(27): 3594-3603.Munro S, Oppermann U, La Thangue NB. Pleiotropic effect of somatic mutations in ...
IntroductionSomatic mutations are becoming increasingly important biomarkers for treatment selection and outcome in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The role of multiple somatic mutations in early-stage NSCLC is unclear. MethodsTissue from 214 patients with resected NSCLC at the ...