SQL Server存储过程语法: create procedure 过程名 @parameter 参数类型 @parameter 参数类型 。。。asbegin end 执行存储过程:execute 过程名 Two:应用 A:数据库存储 --查询不带参数的存储过程 ALTER procedure [dbo].[GetUser]asbegin Select Theserialnumber, UserID, UserName, UserSet, Userphone, work.User...
https://dotnetthoughts.net/how-to-execute-a-stored-procedure-with-entity-framework-code-first/ 解决,增加一个参数的灵活性 https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/blogs/execute-store-procedure-in-entity-framework https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33914166/call-stored-procedure-using-executesqlcommand-expects-...
这个错误是因为我将UserId声明成了一个字段,只要修改成属性就OK了。修改后的代码如下所示。 4. 报错ExecuteFunction:实体框架4 POCO的存储过程错误 - “无法在容器中找到FunctionImport”(entity framework 4 POCO's stored procedure error - “The FunctionImport could not be found in the container”) 解决:...
Hello everyone an thanks for the help in advance. I am having problems trying to execute a stored procedure that returns only a Count. The sproc looks like CREATE PROCEDURE sp_GetOrderCount -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here…
"EXECUTE YourStoredProcedure @InputParameterValue, @OutputParameterName OUTPUT", new SqlParameter("InputParameterValue", 123), // 输入参数 outputParameter); // 输出参数 // 获取输出参数的值 int outputValue = (int)outputParameter.Value; } ``` 在上面的示例中,`YourDbContext`是您的EF Core上下文,...
Raw SQL can also be a call to execute a stored procedure. As long as the schema of the results match the type (in this case, Publisher), you can do that, even passing in parameters. Putting the Polish on EF Core If you’ve been holding off on using EF Core until it was production...
ExecuteUpdate 和 ExecuteDelete(“批量更新”)默认情况下,EF Core 跟踪对实体的更改,然后在调用其中一个 SaveChanges方法时, 向数据库 发送更新。 仅针对实际更改的属性和关系发送更改。 此外,跟踪的实体与发送到数据库的更改保持同步。 此机制是向数据库发送常规用途插入、更新和删除的高效便捷方法。 这些更改也会...
int rowsAffected = context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql, new SqlParameter("@param1", value1), new SqlParameter("@param2", value2)); } 执行存储过程:EF可以通过SqlQuery方法来执行存储过程,并将结果映射到实体类或者匿名类型中。以下是一个示例: ...
I found the code below that will run a stored procedure for me and put it into a list. What if the stored procedure is pulled from multiple tables? What would I use for: context. ? 複製 var blogs = context.Blogs .FromSql("EXECUTE dbo.GetMostPopularBlogs") .ToList(); In this ...
SQL queries can be used to execute a stored procedure which returns entity data: C# varblogs = context.Blogs .FromSql($"EXECUTE dbo.GetMostPopularBlogs") .ToList(); Note FromSqlcan only be used directly on aDbSet. It cannot be composed over an arbitrary LINQ query. ...