StoredProcedure; return cmd; } C# Copy 2. Creating Extention for the DbContext to Execute the Store Procedure. public static void Execute(this DbCommand command, Action<Result> handleResults, System.Data.CommandBehavior commandBehaviour = System.Data.CommandBehavior.Default, bool manageConnection = ...
Hello everyone an thanks for the help in advance. I am having problems trying to execute a stored procedure that returns only a Count. The sproc looks like CREATE PROCEDURE sp_GetOrderCount -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here…
ExecuteUpdate 和 ExecuteDelete (大量更新)根據預設,EF Core 會追蹤實體的變更,然後在呼叫其中SaveChanges一個方法時傳送更新至資料庫。 變更只會針對實際變更的屬性和關聯性傳送。 此外,追蹤的實體會與傳送至資料庫的變更保持同步。 此機制是將一般用途插入、更新和刪除傳送至資料庫的有效便利方式。 這些變更也會批...
IList<TEntity> ExecuteStoredProcedureList<TEntity>(string commandText, params object[] parameters) where TEntity : BaseEntity, new(); } } NopObjectContext: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Data.Entity; using System.Data.Entit...
use the SchoolBudgetforDateRange method with the context we have. In order to get an output parameter you need to supply anObjectParameter to the stored procedure call which holds the parameter name and type. After the execution of the stored procedure you can retrieve the ...
Describe what is not working as expected. Ef core when executing stored procedure, that takes more than few millions of records. times out abruptly. i use EF core as async. the result might be from search of 3 record from a million to fe...
When the function is called in the application, the corresponding stored procedure is executed in the database.The FunctionImport element can have the following child elements (in the order listed):Documentation (zero or one elements allowed) Parameter (zero or more elements allowed) Annotation ...
If result set discovery still fails, please let me know. It is also possible to map the result of a stored procedure to a class (DbSet) (or any class with EF Core 8 or later) in your DbContext as follows: { "Name": "[dbo].[Top 10 Customers]", "ObjectType": 1, "MappedType...
].[DeleteOfficeAssignment]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC')) BEGIN EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N' CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[DeleteOfficeAssignment] @InstructorID int AS DELETE FROM OfficeAssignment WHERE InstructorID=@InstructorID; ' END GO -- Create the DeletePerson stored procedure....
modelBuilder .Entity<Blog>() .MapToStoredProcedures(); 这样做会导致 Code First 使用一些约定来生成数据库中存储过程的预期形状。 三个名为 <type_name>_Insert、<type_name>_Update和 <type_name>_Delete的存储过程(例如,Blog_Insert、Blog_Update 和 Blog_Delete)。