EF核中的EF6映射(EF6 Mapping)是指使用Entity Framework 6(EF6)进行对象关系映射(ORM)时,将数据库中的表结构映射到实体类的属性上的过程。EF6映射是通过配置文件或使用特性注解的方式来定义实体类与数据库表之间的映射关系。 EF6映射的分类包括: 数据注解(Data Annotations):通过在实体类的属性上使用特性注解...
Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational ExecuteSqlRaw执行非查询 SQL。以下是一些insert、update和delete示例。参数化查询是可选的,如果需要,我们可以跳过它。插入object[] paramItems = new object[] { new SqlParameter("@paramName", "Ben"), ...
一、目前EF Core的版本为V2.1 相比较EF Core v1.0 目前已经增加了不少功能。 EF Core除了常用的增删改模型操作,Sql语句在不少项目中是不能避免的。 在EF Core中上下文,可以返货DbConnection ,执行sql语句。这是最底层的操作方式,代码写起来还是挺多的。 初次之外 EF Core中还支持 FromSql,ExecuteSqlCommand 连...
I really like EF and all the features it provides but this is a real show-stopper in a multi-user environment. The only current way I know to resolve this is to use a stored procedure which uses UPDLOCK and then use context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand. Now that EF6 wraps ExecuteSqlCommand...
FromSqlwas introduced in EF Core 7.0. When using older versions, useFromSqlInterpolatedinstead. SQL queries can be used to execute a stored procedure which returns entity data: C# varblogs = context.Blogs .FromSql($"EXECUTE dbo.GetMostPopularBlogs") .ToList(); ...
FromSqlwas introduced in EF Core 7.0. When using older versions, useFromSqlInterpolatedinstead. SQL queries can be used to execute a stored procedure which returns entity data: C# varblogs = context.Blogs .FromSql($"EXECUTE dbo.GetMostPopularBlogs") .ToList(); ...
As a micro-ORM, Dapper has less overhead and can quickly execute database operations. However, the difference in performance may not be significant for small to medium-sized applications or in scenarios where advanced features of EF Core are not heavily used. As always, the best choice ...
默认情况下,Code First 会将所有实体配置为使用直接表访问来执行插入、更新和删除命令。 从 EF6 开始,你可以将 Code First 模型配置为对模型中的部分或所有实体使用存储过程。 基本实体映射 你可以选择通过 Fluent API 使用存储过程进行插入、更新和删除。
Note FromSql was introduced in EF Core 7.0. When using older versions, use FromSqlInterpolated instead.SQL queries can be used to execute a stored procedure which returns entity data:C# Kopyahin var blogs = context.Blogs .FromSql($"EXECUTE dbo.GetMostPopularBlogs") .ToList(); ...
In my opinion, the three most important features coming to EF in version 6 are: Stored procedure and function support for Code First Support for the .NET 4.5 Async/Await pattern The core Entity Framework APIs that currently live inside the Microsoft .NET Framework Not only does this last ...