知行EDI系统的SAP IDoc端口可以选择和SAP对接时传输的文件类型,分为XML IDoc和Raw IDoc。 XML IDoc XML IDoc是知行EDI系统对接SAP系统后,获取消息类型以及结构后自行转换的格式。知行EDI系统将XML作为产品内部数据转换流通的主要格式,使用XML IDoc是便于在SAP系统中获取数据后,可以在进行其他的数据处理。 格式如下: <...
it is transmitted to a trading partner based on the partner's EDI settings. This step is not part of the SAP EDI architecture, but is mentioned here to describe the complete process from a business perspective.
(1) ALE(2)Coding ! 我做过的是,比如customer Order,Customer将Order file EDI 到一FTP server(固定的一个EDI 格式),然后写program(做成background job)将数据import 进SAP系统,当然要进行例外检测和处理.
已添建条甘概览選極泵统名称□ LOGSJAVALogicals/stemforJAVA|」 ME▼区回II 0Ej Q 官B I NE 宜E L 5fB 1| 点击保存后点击bd确认激活SAPWorkFlow 你可以输入事物码: SWU来激活SAFWorkFlow的操作:激活WorkFlow相关组件 AutomaticWorkflowCustomizing #MaritainWorkflowSystemAdmhistrator MaintainActivePlanVersion ...
32、CHD01CNTSTAT/SAPHT/IDCC.INPl CNTCHD01CNTSTAT4 Fiirrtcn mod JIP7FW nnYEnrTKD ASNInctivp (rvd)AttributesImportExportChang ngT出losExceptionsSource cod疑!名称*ypo弟OC多考打印可迭的短丈EpKT.Er-IDDLIKEEDICD謝弼记录(IDcc)点击保存,并激活3.6 建立IDOC MessageVlDOC TypeVFunction Module三者Z间...
SAP系统发送IDoc文件时需要为知行之桥®创建一个RFC destination。在端口设置页面,可以选择启用IDoc Receiver并输入为知行之桥®注册的Program ID。 测试从SAP发送IDoc 按照下列步骤配置SAP系统并发送MATMAS IDoc文件到知行之桥®。 一 定义逻辑系统:进入transaction SALE界面,选择Basic Settings -> Logical Systems ...
通过Table T006也可以查看ISO codes跟Unit of Measurement的对应关系 可通过以下两个链接了解到更多关于ISO code和Unit of Measurement关系的内容: 1.Unit of Measure related settings in SAP 2.A list of the current internationally agreed upon ISO codes...
Within SAP, you can prepare the necessary documents and then send them via EDI. The other business will receive them in the universal format and can do with them as they please. For example, you could send an email invoice directly from your SAP software. The receiving business gets the do...
TCODE:SM59 Receiver Port used in Outbound parameters of Partner Profiles创建一个 ABAP Connection 到供应商 SAP 系统的连接(系统 B): RFC ---> Tab Technical Settings ---> Target Host and IP AddressTarget Host 输入供应商系统的服务器 IP address (Vendor Target Host) SM59 ---> RFC ---> Log...
Solved: hi, Please let me know if my understanding is correct. In SAP EDI setup two people involved, ABAP programmer who customzes the IDOCS, sets up the EDI setup on