The inbound process simply reverses the steps of the outbound process. The inbound process receives an EDI document (such as a purchase order response, sales order, or payment information) from a business partner (such as a vendor, a customer, or a bank) and creates SAP documents from it....
*&file process .parameters: readfielname and writefielname return a writefielname internal table. CALL FUNCTION 'ZIDOC_EDI_FILEPROCESS_PATH_FUN' EXPORTING CRITERIA = CRITERIA READFIELNAME = readfielname READ_FILENAME = read_filename WRITEFIELNAME = writefielname GEN_FILENAME = gen_filename I...
(1) ALE(2)Coding ! 我做过的是,比如customer Order,Customer将Order file EDI 到一FTP server(固定的一个EDI 格式),然后写program(做成background job)将数据import 进SAP系统,当然要进行例外检测和处理.
原文链接:【ABAP系列】SAP 一个完整的SAP的Abap例子(idoc,edi文件的相互转换) 回到顶部 前言部分 大家可以关注我的公众号,公众号里的排版更好,阅读更舒适。 回到顶部 正文部分 *&---**& Report Z_IDOC_EDI_CONVERT **& **&---*REPORTZ_IDOC_EDI_CONVERT .TABLES:ZEDITAB,EDISDEF,EDSAPPL.*&---...
The origins of electronic data interchange (EDI) can be traced all the way back to the development of electronic messaging systems in the late 1960s. One of the first implementations was in the automotive industry, where it was used to streamline the procurement process between manufacturers and...
Exhibition-of-Master-Wan-Ko-Yee's-Amazing-Achievement-in-the-Form-of-World-Class-Treasures 热度: EDI & IDOC 技术概要 热度: SAP培训SD模块课程第50节:输出EDI专题,公司间IDOC发票抛应付成本配置及操作 热度: SAP EDI Idoc inbound process codes and their functions ...
SAP软件EDI原理与实现.ppt,Electronic Commerce Outbound Data Flow Message Control Message Control - Call Sequence Inbound Data Flow Inbound Status Transitions Process Code, Port and Partner Profile Partner Profile Port Types of the IDoc Interface Triggerin
为ORDERS文件添加一个入站参数(inbound parameters)值,该文件的消息类型为ORDERS,可以在Inbound Options tab栏中查找到。另外,需要将process code设置为ORDE是为了告诉 SAP系统如何在收到采购单ORDERS文件时创建一个销售订单。 分配客户到销售部门:需要将上一步配置的客户信息分配给相应的分销渠道,销售组织和部门。打开...
SAP EDI Idoc inbound process codes and their functionsWritten by Kevin WilsonThursday, 1 5 October 2009 22:42 - Last Updated Thursday, 1 5 October 2009 22:48Here is the full list of inbound IDoc process codes together with their message types andprocessing function whether it be a workflow...