idoc_doment_itab LIKE idoc_doment_wa OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, tb_list_of_file LIKE TABLE OF rsfillst, wa_list_of_file LIKE LINE OF tb_list_of_file. *&file process .parameters: readfielname and writefielname return a writefielname internal table. CALL FUNCTION 'ZIDOC_EDI_FILEPROC...
idoc_doment_itab.SELECT*INTOCORRESPONDINGFIELDSOFTABLEzeditab_itabFROMzeditabWHEREmessagetype = mess_typeANDzidefaultidoc =''."search data,. return zditab internal table.itab_lines =LINES( zeditab_itab ).
In SAP, EDI is utilized to transmit the documents between the SAP systems and the explicit systems. Explicit Systems can be owned by a vendor, business partner, or customer. The data will be transmitted through the documents known as IDocs. EDI is an essential technology for the SAPinsiders,...
一 2.2 激活 SAP WorkFlow你可以输入事物码:SWU3来激活SAP WorkFloW的操作:激活 WorkFlow相关组件2.3激活IDOC事件-事件接收器(1)激活IDOC事件接收器的事物码为:OYEB(2)点击是2.4设置IDOC管理设置IDOC管理的事物码:OYEA2.5 创建 RFC Destination这里需要创建2个RFC Destination 个指向ECC本系统的(类型为3),一个是...
http://<url>:<port>/webdynpro/dispatcher/ After that goto EDI Content Manager->EDIFACT->B2B_EDI_CTRL_CMP (table) if this table is populated it means that .B2B files are installed. The screenshot for it is given below: ...
The formatting program is maintained in table TNAPR. In case of EDI (communication medium is ?6“) it is the module ?EDI_PROCESSING of program RSNASTED. This module retains the original partnertype, e.g. ?KU“ for customer and ?LI“ for vendor, and the partnernumber, i.e. SAP key....
一开始想到的当然是SAP标准记录的更改记录表:CDHDR,CDPOS表了,测试发现对会计凭证BKPF,BSEG的修改(增加)都会记录表CDHDR,CDPOS中,所以最简单的做法就是在写这两表时做增强,把数据保存到需要的自定义表中, 1.打开CDHDR表发现表中更改的对像保为BELEG。
23、ELIKE3DW_PARAH-AP?L_VAR按粟求将由应用程厅倭用紐星in.UPDATE.TASKLIKS3DWFAP_PAR-UPDATETASI标志:应弔程序己触发更矫任冬:ALL.TEANSACTION.DOKILIKE:BDWFAP-PAR-CALLTRHS标记:应弔程序己实际执行调用爭务为表分配TABLE参数Function Builder: Change ZFM_INBOUND_ASNAttributes ImpcrtExportChargingTabesExce...
已添建条甘概览選極泵统名称□ LOGSJAVALogicals/stemforJAVA|」 ME▼区回II 0Ej Q 官B I NE 宜E L 5fB 1| 点击保存后点击bd确认激活SAPWorkFlow 你可以输入事物码: SWU来激活SAFWorkFlow的操作:激活WorkFlow相关组件 AutomaticWorkflowCustomizing #MaritainWorkflowSystemAdmhistrator MaintainActivePlanVersion ...