(荧光PCR法) 1.目的 规范EB病毒核酸DNA(荧光PCR法)检测操作流程,准确进行EB病毒DNA分析。 2.应用范围 使用中山大学达安基因股份有限公司EB病毒核酸扩增(PCR)荧光定量检测试剂盒(荧光 PCR法)和Mx3000P荧光定量PCR仪、Roche480荧光定量PCR仪进行EB病毒DNA检测。
Epstein-Barr Virus(EBV) and Cytomegalovirus(CMV) prevalence and viral load in healthy blood donors of central Greece by quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction(qrt-pcr)Rouka, EAdamidou, DChamos, TTsourveloudis, IDimikioti, SKyriakou, D...
(B) qRT-PCR analysis after PAX5 knockdown. (C) PAX5 ChIP-qPCR analysis after PAX5 knockdown. ∗p = 0.03, ∗∗p = 0.002 (Student’s t test; n = 3). (D) EBER2-CHART followed by qPCR analysis after PAX5 knockdown. All data represent the mean of three independent experiments ± ...
1.4血浆游离EBV-DNA含量的计算计算公式为C=Q×(VDNA/VPCR)×(1/Vext),其中C为血浆DNA拷贝数值(copies/mL),Q为经PCR扩增后计算机检测的原始拷贝数值,VPCR是用于PCR扩增的DNA的体积,VDNA为提取的DNA稀释液体积。 1.5统计学处理使用SPSS 18.0统计分析软件包进行结果分析,EBV-DNA拷贝数及年龄经正态性检验后,不...
This assay quantifies the amount of antibody that immunoprecipitates a gp350-Renilla luciferase fusion protein expressed in human Cos1 cells; thus the antigen recognized by the plasma is non-denatured gp350. All plasma samples from EBV seropositive donors were positive in the LIPS gp350 antibody...