测试RTA与RTC的连通性 RTC@8d9daa768461:/# ping -c 1PING10.1.1.1( icmp_seq=0ttl=63time=0.134ms --- statistics ---1packets transmitted,1packets received,0% packet lossround-tripmin/avg/max/stddev =0.134/0.134/0.134/0.000ms R...
默认情况下,两个EBGP之间报文TTL为1 配置EBGP multihop 66 则报文TTL变成66 再配置ttl-security hops 11 ,则报文TTL变成255 show ,两个配置都在,但是只有第二个生效。 undo ttl-security hops , 则报文TTL变成66
TTL取值范围通常为1-255,默认值为1。具体的取值范围可以根据网络环境和需求进行配置。较小的TTL值可以提高对等体之间的安全性,限制BGP控制报文的传输跳数,但可能增加网络的管理和维护成本。较大的TTL值可以增加BGP控制报文的传输跳数,但可能增加网络的灵活性和复杂性。 2.连接数限制:连接数限制是指EBGP对等体之间...
by default EBGP messages are sent with a TTL of 1.The neighbor ebgp-multihop statement changes the default TTL in EBGP messages to specified neighbors. hostname R1 interface Loopback0 ip address ! interface FastEthernet0/0 ...
BGP TTL is default 1. Do you have a topology? I have a couple of questions: 1. Is this working and you're just wondering how it's working? 2. Is it not working and you're trying to fix it? If it's 1, then your router could be doing a recursive lookup to get to the ...
And now we will increase the TTL: R1(config-router)#neighbor ebgp-multihop 2 R3(config-router)#neighbor ebgp-multihop 2 Use theebgp-multihopcommand to increase the TTL. Using a value of 2 is enough in our example. R2 will receive a packet with a TTL of 2,...
TTL of the packet. So in the case of a BGP peer multiple hops away, the eBGP packet sent by the BGP speaker will have a TTL of one. The next router in the path to the peer will decrement the TTL to 0, realize it can’t forward the packet, drop it, and generate an ICMP TTL ...
And now we will increase the TTL: R1(config-router)#neighbor ebgp-multihop 2 R3(config-router)#neighbor ebgp-multihop 2 Use theebgp-multihopcommand to increase the TTL. Using a value of 2 is enough in our example. R2 will receive a packet with a TTL of 2,...