ebgp_multihop的取值范围 ebgp_multihop参数的取值范围是1-255,代表EBGP邻居设备之间的最大跃数。默认为1,表示只允许直接连接的邻居设备。如果需要通过多个中间设备进行跨越,就需要将该值调整为大于1的数值。例如,当多个EBGP邻居设备之间通过一个IBGP中间设备进行连接时,就需要将ebgp_multihop值设置为2。
neighbor23.1.1.3ebgp-multihop255 noauto-summary ! iphttpserver ipclassless iproute23.1.1.0255. R2 interfaceSerial1/0 ipaddress12.1.1.2255.255.255.0 serialrestart-delay0 ! interfaceSerial1/1 ipaddress23.1.1.2255.255.255.0
默认情况下,两个EBGP之间报文TTL为1 配置EBGP multihop 66 则报文TTL变成66 再配置ttl-security hops 11 ,则报文TTL变成255 show ,两个配置都在,但是只有第二个生效。 undo ttl-security hops , 则报文TTL变
TTL取值范围通常为1-255,默认值为1。具体的取值范围可以根据网络环境和需求进行配置。较小的TTL值可以提高对等体之间的安全性,限制BGP控制报文的传输跳数,但可能增加网络的管理和维护成本。较大的TTL值可以增加BGP控制报文的传输跳数,但可能增加网络的灵活性和复杂性。 2.连接数限制:连接数限制是指EBGP对等体之间...
There is a case in which we are getting AS_Path at CE router as moer than 255 Limit...hence CE sends a message to PE to reset the Connection..this somewhat as AS_Path loop condition...BGP command of AS-override is also used... I have this problem too Labels: Other Routing 0...
There is a case in which we are getting AS_Path at CE router as moer than 255 Limit...hence CE sends a message to PE to reset the Connection..this somewhat as AS_Path loop condition...BGP command of AS-override is also used... I have this problem too Labels: Other Routing 0...
>setting the TTL to 1 (if no ebgp-multihop), 255 (if ebgp-multihop is >configured with no parameter), and the correct number (if ebgp-multihop is >configured with an exact number). > >That seems like a misbehavior to me (i.e. setting the TTL to 255 for the ...