eBay表示,位于大中华地区并在eBay.com上刊登物品的优秀评级卖家(Top Rated Sellers),只要物品所在地(item location)为美国,并提供30天或更长期限的美国当地退货服务,可获得额外的卖家保护福利。 对于部分退货纠纷,如果买家发起的是虚假“物品与描述不符(Item not as described)”申诉,卖家将有资格获得运单补贴;如果买...
showing these problems, he said that he actually didn't checked the recording, only checked if the deck is playing. the seller does not accept returns, but i know there's ebay buyer protection and now i wonder how this should be filled in this case - item not as described ...
1) Item not as described peer benchmarks 当买家选择以下的理由开启了退货请求,那么都会被计算入比率中: ● Doesn’t work or defective ● Doesn’t match description or photos ● Wrong item sent ● Missing parts or pieces ● Arrived damaged ● Doesn’t seem authentic 另外根据卖家账户中的交易情况...
Sent the seller a email through eBay saying I was not all too pleased with the condition. Is this a case for an Item Not As Described? TIA. Message 1 of 3 latest reply 0 Helpful Reply All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic 1 BEST ANSWER Is this "Not As Described"? lamber9347 ...
We’ll handle international returns on your behalf, including Not as Described claims.By participating in eBay International Shipping, you are agreeing to allow eBay to handle the export process and to the Program Terms and Conditions.Feedback ...
当买家进行虚假的物品与描述不符(Item Not as Described)申诉时,卖家将获得保护:当发生这种情况时,请举报买家,如果eBay确定买家进行了虚假申诉,卖家将获得补贴,用于贴补卖家的退货费用,并且eBay将删除卖家服务指标中的相应信用评价、不良交易和处理中的纠纷。
When you file a complaint in eBay's "Item Not Received or Significantly Not as Described" system,eBay will act as middleman between you and your seller to try to settle the dis pute. lf that fails, you can file a claim to get reimbursed for your purchase. 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [...
In the case of a Significantly Not As Described (SNAD) item, the buyer has a couple of options, including returning the item and giving a SNAD-related reason when submitting the return request, or possibly keeping the item but asking the seller for a partial refund. ...
Falsely claiming an item was not as described Opening duplicate cases using other buyer protection programs Returning an item other than the original item received Using or damaging an item and then returning it In addition to the consequences described in theUser Agreement, we reserve the right to...
1.如果卖家收到一个有误的产品不符合描述“Item not as described”请求,可以报告给eBay。蓝海亿观网获悉,eBay确定买方提出了虚假索赔后,将给予卖家9美元的积分,记录在卖家的每月发票上,替买家支付退货邮费。2.eBay将自动删除,卖家服务指标中,任何负面或中立的Feedback、缺陷(defects)、开放案例(...