他拒收包裹,你把商品的钱退给他了,如果他申请Not As Described的case,他会输;如果是Not Delivered的话,他肯定会输 还有他说“买家给的好评对卖家有好处”,感觉他想通过feedback敲诈你,你可以跟ebay的人说这件事 2016-07-26 0 0 晓娴 ebay的“Money Back Guarantee”中有提到:“Generally, the buyer is...
4、假借“item not as described”申述退款 如果一位买家以“item not as described”(INAD,产品与网站描述不符)为由申述退款,卖家真的是非常头疼。他们检查了原始订单、库存管理系统、发货前拍摄的图片,结果发现:订购产品与发出的产品一模一样,除非在发货途中变身,否则客户收到的产品与网站上展示的应该不会有差别。
如果买家提交虚假的INAD索赔(item not as described,产品与网站描述不符),提供30天或更长退货时间的卖家有资格获得最高6美元的运输标签,并且他们可以从退款中扣除最高50%的比例以弥补数量减少或损坏的退货所造成的损失。 •简化eBay卖家政策 eBay将帮助卖家解决你的listing或帐户发生的任何问题,以防止你的业务中...
买家在“物品与描述相符(Item as Described)”一项给予了1,2或3分评级;买家在“运送时间(Shipping Time)”一项给予了1分评级;买家留下中评或差评;买家要求退货,且原因与“物品与描述不符”相关(目前仅适用于加入了无忧退货的交易);买家通过eBay退款保障(又称eBay买家保障)或PayPal购物保障开启了物品未收到或物品与...
具体方法是点more action下拉菜单中的resolve a problem,然后选I didn't receive my item或者I received an item that wasn't as described,按提示操作。 因为从没买到假货,没有经验可以分享,只说说未收到和描述不符或东西损坏的情况。 未收到货是比较简单的一种,如果是邮政挂号或者快递,直接在网上查,如果在...
居住在美国货加拿大的top级卖家,如果提供30天及以上的退货时间,可能可以避免假的“物品不符合描述item not as described”、“物品被使用或损坏items being returned used or damaged”等退货索赔。卖家需要向eBay举报该买家,才能申请卖家保护。 蓝海亿观网获悉,贝宝PayPal也有卖家保护(PayPal Seller Protection)。对于7...
Actions & time frames for "not as described" returns Action Time frame The buyer requests a return Start a return request Latest: 30 calendar days after theestimated or actual delivery dateor within the seller's stated returns window, whichever is longer ...
5、er d o esnt pay Canceling a transactionWhat to do when you don receive your item or its not as describedResolving buying pro b ternsResolving selling p rob ternsReport a probl e m wit h a buy e rNEWNEW/tCtiVity Mess2tgeS Account ApplicationsMy AccountYour PayPal payment for US $3B...
29、 not received or not as described. As eBay grew and evolved, the company focused on offering more efficient and effective payment methods for buyers and sellers. In 1999, when nearly all of the auctions on eBay were conducted with paper checks or money orders, the company bought Billpoin...