(to see behind-the-scenes pics of that magazine life). She brings nearly a decade of writing and editing expertise, and her work has appeared inAllure,Health,Fitness,Marie Claire,StyleCaster, andParents. She also has an unhealthy adoration for Tom Hanks and would like to please meet him ...
As long as you start with fresh, clean vegetables and enough salt for good fermentation, this is a great way to preserve food for days to weeks or longer in cold storage. As a bonus, that salt and seasoning brine your pickles are in can also help you stay hydrated on hot days. Add ...
Drying in the sunis the traditional way to make sun-dried tomatoes (hence the name.) However, this is the most unreliable due to weather, bugs, and other critters. No one wants to be eating sun-dried bugs! Using a dehydratorworks really well, but not everyone has one (though I highly...
Itrequires littlein the way of nurturing – a couple of hours of morning sun and a little water once a week will see it thrive. In order to stop it getting out of control, and to keep its mildly toxic leaves away from pets and little ones, keep it in a hanging basket. 15. Grape ...