Blast结果中score, bit-score, p-value, e-value
文献中说“ PSI-BLAST was conducted with the E-value thresholds of 10-10次方for the initial BLAST search and the threshold of 10-15次方 for inclusion of the sequence in a position-specific matrix. 我看了PSI-BLAST界面,设定时不敢确定是在哪个输入框里输入这两个设定值,哪位高手可以帮我看看...
The Basic Local Alignment Search Tool, BLAST, is an indispensable tool for genomic research. BLAST has established itself as the canonical tool for sequence similarity search in large part thanks to its meaningful statistical analysis. Specifically, BLAST reports the E-value of each reported ...
关于BLAST结果中E-value的说法,以下不正确的是A.它和一开始输入的查询序列的长度有关 ,但和数据库总序列长度无关B.它表示了相应hit的可信度C.当它确定的时候,相应的p-value也是确定的D.它的值在很小时,是几乎和相应的p-value一样的
BLASTFASTAAB-BLASTSSEARCHE-valueMOTIVATION. The Basic Local Alignment Search Tool, BLAST, is an indispensable tool for genomic research. BLAST has established itself as the canonical tool for sequence similarity search in large part thanks to its meaningful statistical analysis. Specifically, BLAST ...
The E-value is very important, the lower the better bitscore: A bitscore is another prominant statistical indicator used in addition to the E-value in a BLAST output. The bitscore measures sequence similarity independent of query sequence length and database size and is normalized based on ...
Identification of genes for synthesis of the blue pigment, biliverdin IX[alpha], in the blue coral Heliopora coerulea All assembled contigs were then compared to the Ensembl proteins of zebrafish and Mexican tetra using BLASTX with an E-value cut-off of 1e-5. De Novo Assembly and Analysis ...
In this field, methods based on sequence alignments like BLASTP are the most commonly used tools by biologists and bioinformaticians. However, an incorrect choice for the e-value threshold advised to identify homology and subsequently spread GO terms, may originate predictors with very low ...
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