德国Allresist 电子束光刻胶(电子束抗蚀剂)E-beam resist价格:¥ 电议原产地:中国大陆 更新时间:2025/2/2 8:52:06 产品摘要:德国Allresist电子束光刻胶(电子束抗蚀剂)E-beamresist电子束正胶:PMMA胶,PMMA/MA聚合物,LIGA用胶等。电子束负胶:高分辨率电子束负胶,化学放大胶(高灵敏度电子束胶)等。
PMMA(polymethyl methacrylate)是电子束曝光工艺中常用的正性光刻胶,是由单体甲基丙烯酸甲酯(methyl methacrylate, MMA)经聚合反应而成。 PMMA胶主要的特点是高分辨率、高对比度、低灵敏度。 PMMA胶种类齐全,不同的系列中包含了各种分子量(50K, 200K, 600K, 950K),各种溶剂(氯苯,乳酸乙酯,苯甲醚)以及各种固含量的...
电子束光刻胶 (e-beam resist) 类型 型号 特性 正胶 SX AR-P 6200 NEW! 超高分辨率电子束正胶,通过简单的工艺即可得到10nm甚至更小的结构。超高深宽比(20:1)、超高对比度(>15)。良好的耐干法刻蚀性能,是传统PMMA胶的2倍。 完全可以取代ZEP胶,经济实惠,并且采购简单,包装规格多样化。
• 可定制特殊用 PMMA 胶 • 用于高分辨率电子束曝光等 • 感光波段:e-beam • 高分辨率 (< 10 nm), 高对比度 (14) • 高深宽比,高工艺稳定性 • 优异的耐干法刻蚀能力 • 采用不同的显影液 (AR 600-546/ 548/ 549),可实现不同程度的灵敏度 ...
Advances in resist technology and processing XV, part 1: 15th conference on advances in resist technology and processing, 23-25 February 1998, Santa Clara, CaliforniaA. Uhl, J. Bendig, J. Leistner, U. Jagdhold, and J. Bauer, "E-beam and deep UV exposure of PMMA based resists—,...
Simulation algorithm of dry e-beam etching of resist (DEBER) is provided, including simulation of most significant processes: e-beam-induced PMMA degradation above glass transition, PMMA chain depropagation with subsequent released monomer diffusion and structure profile melting due to low PMMA ...
陆新宇, 马彬泽, 罗皓, 齐欢, 李强, 伍广朋. 二氧化碳基聚碳酸环己撑酯电子束光刻胶显影工艺优化[J]. 应用化学, 2021, 38(9): 0-0. Optimization of Development Process for Carbon Dioxide-Based Poly(cyclohexene carbonate) E...
For high resolution pattering of X-ray master masks by e-beam lithography, it is state of the art to use an elaborate tri-level technique for the absorber structuring of critical mask layers. At present PMMA is used in this application as the e-beam sensitive top resist. In producing mast...
E-Beam System PMMA Photo-resist Electron Scattering Examples Lithography Process Lithography Process 1. Wafer Cleaning 2. Dehydration Baking 3. Wafer Priming 4. Photo-resist Coating 5. Soft-Baking 6. Exposure 7. Development 8. Lift-off or etching ...
Exposures data was prepared according to standard technology (PMMA resist, exposure dose, non-alcoholic based developer) for both systems. The result of experiment shows that variable shaped beam system has advantage in multileveled structures while the Gaussian beam system is more suitable for ...