本章讨论实现动态NeRF的两种主要方法:变形的 ray bending 和骨架驱动的 deformation。NR-NeRF利用ray bending实现非刚性变形,无需显式监督,通过神经网络学习渲染。Skeleton-NeRF基于传统骨架动画,利用隐含代码和混合权重场产生变形场,实现动态渲染。两种方法均扩展了NeRF网络以处理复杂渲染效果,如子弹时间效果,未来研究将结...
Note: We don't have the ability to review paper PubDate: Oct 2022 Teams: University at Buffalo, ETH Zurich, InnoPeak Technology, and the University of Tübingen Writers: Liangchen Song, Anpei Chen, Zhong Li, Zhang Chen, Lele Chen, Junsong Yuan, Yi Xu, Andreas Geiger PDF:NeRFPlayer: A ...
Neural rendering techniques combining machine learning with geometric reasoning have arisen as one of the most promising approaches for synthesizing novel views of a scene from a sparse set of images. Among these, stands out the Neural radiance fields (NeRF) [31], which trains a deep network to...
However, the original NeRF method bears big training and rendering costs. Though some NeRF variants [3, 6, 7, 9, 21, 32, 34] reduce the training time from days to minutes, the rendering process still bears a non-negligible latency. 然而,原始的NeRF方法有很大的训练和渲染成本。尽管一些 NeRF...
After the games, athletes can use our solution to review their movements from any angle to determine how to improve their performance the next time out.Our solution enablers: Real-time digital twin construction from drone and robot image capture Localization and object detection from NeRF ...
(oEfualecra-nBteilrenvoeurlplilaecqeudatiinona)g7acsofmlobwi.nAeds dweistchriabtehdreine dimensional axially symmetric laminar jet model provides the relationship tion which can be easily measured with various methods including optics b(ee.tgw. elaesnerFDreafnledcttihoenc)aanntdileevleerctdreof...
provided by grants from the Foundation of Research, Science and Technology; the Ministry of Science and Innovation (NERF Grant no. UOOX0807); the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (Smart Ideas Phase 1; No. UOOX1403), the Otago Medical Research Foundation and Otago Innovation Ltd...
Boeth H, MacMahon A, Poole AR, Buttgereit F, Onnerfjord P, Lorenzo P, Klint C, Pramhed A, Duda GN. Differences in biomarkers of cartilage matrix turnover and their changes over 2 years in adolescent and adult volleyball athletes. J Exp Orthop. 2017;4:7. ...
Modeling dynamic scenes is important for many applications such as virtual reality and telepresence. Despite achieving unprecedented fidelity for novel view synthesis in dynamic scenes, existing methods based on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) suffer from slow convergence (i.e., model training time measur...
Neural networks can represent and accurately reconstruct radiance fields for static 3D scenes (e.g., NeRF). Several works extend these to dynamic scenes captured with monocular video, with promising performance. However, the monocular setting is known to be an under-constrained problem, and so met...