What Are Fully Automatic NERF Guns? Fully automatic means that once you pull the trigger, the ammo keeps firing until you release the trigger or run out – these are the rapid-fire NERF guns! It’s very different froma semi-automatic, where you fire one round each time you pull the tri...
Best SMG-Style Blaster: An unmistakably modern NERF Blaster, the Hyper Mach-100 is a motorized, fully-automatic gun developed specifically for foam dart warfare. In lieu of a traditional clip, the high-tech toy blaster is fed via an oversized hopper with a 100-round capacity, hugely minimizin...
Pros Comes with protective glasses Switches between semi- and fully automatic Cons Single-use ammo If you’re not interested in the classic dart Nerf blasters, consider this Pro Gelfire Mythic blaster instead. With a top hopper that holds up to 800 rounds and a fully automatic rate of fire,...
The best automatic NERF guns are populated by the Rival range. However, these are unsuitable for younger NERFers (and some people just don’t want the extra power…or live in Australia where they are illegal!!) So, if you are looking for an N-Strike Elite machine gun, then the Rapidst...
Another thing is that it only fires full auto, however, once you get used to the trigger you can basically shot semi-auto by just holding it for about a half a second when fully revved. This is easily one of the best Nerf Rival guns out there right now. However, if you’re a heav...
Experience the intensity of fully motorized, 50-round blasting with the Nerf Rival Perses MXIX-5000 blaster. This blaster features the fastest blasting Nerf Rival system, so rev up the motor and rapid-fire up to 8 rounds per second* to blanket the competition with a hailstorm of firepower!
Fully Automatic LEGO Gun This probably wouldn’t hurt too bad, compared to the last gun – However it is still awesome, and looks like it took quite a while to build!! That is enough nerdy nerf gun mods and other awesome modded stuff for one post!
such as how first-hit Sneak Attack bonus damage is applied to several bullets when shot from automatic guns. Targeting the head amplifies the damage considerably, which takes us back to Magic weapon territory. Indeed, overall auto > semi-auto is the name of the game – if your one shot do...
The idea I had originally planned to use was a cam setup similar to production Nerf guns. This would have simpler than the current setup, but would have been more difficult to fabricate . For the plunger catch I decided to use music wire. It is very wear resistant and at short lengths ...
Just got my demolisher for a nerf zombie war, and I love it. It has good range, and a solid rate of fire. Couldn't understand why everyone was complaining about jams, until I purposefully created one by not letting the motor rev up all the way. As long as you don't store the dar...