论文: D-NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields for Dynamic Scenes对于新视图合成任务来说,NeRF由于可微、简洁并且效果较好,收到了广泛关注,但是原始NeRF方法使用二维图像上的光度信息作为监督,因此要求场景是一个静…
Hello, I wish to first present my appreciation to all the contributors for sharing and hardworking on this project. I am wondering if there is any future plan on including dynamic NeRF methods into your projects (e.g. DNeRF, HyperNeRF .e...
NeRF + t Yoon et al. Non-Rigid NeRF NSFF DynamicNeRF (ours) Please download the results by running: cd $ROOT_PATH/ wget --no-check-certificate https://filebox.ece.vt.edu/~chengao/free-view-video/results.zip unzip results.zip rm results.zip ...
To overcome this, we propose to introduce the dynamic Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) as the innovative video representation, where the editing can be performed in the 3D spaces and propagated to the entire video via the deformation field. To provide consistent and controllable editing, we propose ...
We introduce KFD-NeRF, a novel dynamic neural radiance field integrated with an efficient and high-quality motion reconstruction framework based on Kalman filtering. Our key idea is to model the dynamic radiance field as a dynamic system whose temporally varying states are estimated based on two ...
Recent advancements in 4D scene reconstruction using neural radiance fields (NeRF) have demonstrated the ability to represent dynamic scenes from multi-view videos. However, they fail to reconstruct the dynamic scenes and struggle to fit even the training views in unsynchronized settings. It happens ...
已经很久没在知乎上写文章了,最近在看NeRF相关的工作,后续会继续分享自己的阅读 Abstract 本文提出高动态范围神经辐射场(HDR- nerf),从一组具有不同曝光的低动态范围(LDR)视图中恢复HDR辐射场。使用HDR- nerf,能够在不同的曝光下生成新的HDR视图和新的LDR视图。 该方法的关键是对物理成像过程进行建模,这表明场景...
we propose a hybrid representations based feature streaming scheme for efficiently modeling the neural fields. Our approach, coined NeRFPlayer, is evaluated on dynamic scenes captured by single hand-held cameras and multi-camera arrays, achieving comparable or superior rendering performance in terms of ...
D-NeRF can render novel images, controlling both the camera view and the time variable, and thus, the object movement. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on scenes with objects under rigid, articulated and non-rigid motions. Code, model weights and the dynamic scenes dataset will...
Street Gaussians for Modeling Dynamic Urban Scenes 1. 背景介绍 1.1 静态场景建模 基于场景表达的不同,可以将场景重建分为 volume-based 和 point-based: 我感觉这里说的其实是隐式辐射场和显式辐射场更贴切。 volume-based:用 MLP 网络表示连续的体积场景,如 Mip-NeRF360、DNMP 等将其应用场景扩展到了城市街...