you need the vulkan run time package from LunarG, thats what fixed it for me. Still doesn't load saves for me even after getting in game though. Interested to see if the replacement DX12 dlls fix the load problem as well. LunarXchange ...
Being aware the Linux version uses Vulkan, & if Vulkan is cross platform, then it should be easy to port to windows right? or am I talking crap.. I doubt that. "SDKs" for already made games are little more than map editors. Tbh, I'm not aware of any radical overhaul to...
Vulkan我记得跨平台 可以在Linux下运行 dx12必须Windows10所以Windows玩游戏首选dx12,兼容性更好,不会花屏坏块,出现卡顿问题比如荒野大镖客2,用dx12更好,Vulkan容易出现各种BUG,比如出现地板一块块的奇怪凸起状,可以在画面设置中切换dx12,重启游戏生效。 送TA礼物 1楼2020-01-23 03:33回复 ...
How my log looks on Windows using DX2Vulkan - gplasync Code: info: DXGI: Hiding actual GPU, reporting vendor ID 0x1002, device ID 73df info: Game: AlanWake2.exe info: DXVK: v2.3-1-gplasync info: Found config file: dxvk.conf info: Effective configuration: info: dxvk.enableGraphicsPi...
超DX12:Vulkan多显卡支持Linux和Win7 与DirectX 12相似,Vulkan图形接口也提供了多GPU支持,并借此提升系统的图形运算性能。 而区别于DirectX 12的Windows 10独占,Vulkan打算将这种前沿技术带到更广泛的平台上去。 Vulkan开发团队最新确认,多GPU支持不仅仅支持Windows 10,而且还可以在Wi...
Vulkan基于AMD曾经的Mantle打造,和DX12一样是基于更底层的API。这样一来,开发者们就能够更好地发挥硬件性能,反馈到游戏中就是性能的提升了。 不过,Vulkan有那么一点好处,那就是它并非Windows 10独占,意味着Windows 7/8.1系统也能够享受到福利。 想要享受Vulkan下的《毁灭战士》,无论你用的是N卡还是A卡,都必须要有...
微软的DX12似乎是PC游戏显卡API的新时代首选,因为Windows的市场占有率非常高,而且DirectX与Windows系统也有着身后的渊源。话虽如此,现在市面上出现了DirectX的新型替代品,可供制作人员选择,相对来说更加开源,比如Vulkan。 可能是因为Windows系统的普及,因为DirectX和Windows系统之间的千丝万缕的联系,或者因为微软一直以来对...
Failed attempts to fix: -Reinstall most current driver -Repair Windows -Reinstall C++ Visuals -DX11 API -DX12 API -Vulkan API -Removing MTX The ONLY thing that has fixed it is lowering my voltage (ie undervolting) my GPU. This scares the ever-loving shit out of me because it would sugg...
Version 1.4.33:AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 24.1.1(23.40.02)或更新版本。新增原生 DX12 编码和预分析支持。切换至公有Vulkan Khronos 扩展进行解码。AMF在Linux上现在可以与AMD Pro Vulkan一起使用,可以在RADV驱动程序上进行尝试。 Version 1.4.32:AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 23.12.1 (23.30...
at D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\VulkanRHI\Private\VulkanQueue.cpp:73with error VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOSTI'm also seeing this then in the windows event log: The Intel(R) Graphics System Controller Firmware Interface is being reset:...