Cybersecurity-Due-Diligence is considered as a process of investigating a target company for any cybersecurity and data privacy concerns. This process is conducted to find out if there are any form of cybersecurity related threats in an organization. Why is Cybersecurity-Due-Diligence carried out...
Raymond O. AghaianMatthew C. Holohan
Cyber Security Due Diligence Standards (DDS) are a set of specialised standards reasonably expected to protect important and sensitive data from access across the internet. Select a meeting date through our website to discuss how G5 Cyber Security can su
Learn how EY teams can help you identify vulnerabilities, quantify cyber risks as they relate to the deal and manage mitigation or remediation of cybersecurity in M&A.
Transactional due diligence represents a burgeoning, sophisticated, and exciting component of our overall Privacy and Cybersecurity practice. Diligence also reflects the power of Sidley’s distinctive collaborative practice of law. Sidley Advises RGA in US$4.1 Billion Reinsurance Transaction With Ma...
Shawn Henry, CrowdStrike Services president, outlines the importance of strong cybersecurity governance at all points in the investment chain
Yet it can be difficult to understand what due diligence really is and how best to incorporate it into your procedures. The dictionary gives the term 'due diligence' a basic meaning. Depending on the context in which the term is used, it can hold other meanings — especially for ...
“UpGuard’s Cyber Security Ratings help us understand which of our vendors are most likely to be breached so we can take immediate action.” — Spaceship Try UpGuard for free Contents Third-Party Vendor Breach StatsVendor Due Diligence Cybersecurity QuestionnairesVendor Risk Assessment QuestionnairesVe...
In most transactions, cybersecurity due diligence consists of a basic set of questions asked by the buying organization to the target: Does the organization have a cybersecurity team? A firewall? Antivirus software? The answers to these are objective — a simple yes or no. But for buyers, ...
How do you see vendor due diligence in cybersecurity evolving in the future? To say it will be interesting is an understatement. It will depend on the needs of customers using the banks and financial services firms. It might be that all vendors will be subject to SOC 2 before opening day...