Due care is the process in which sufficient security and IT measures are present. Due diligence identifies the measures used by an organization to avoid threats related to cybersecurity. REQUEST A CALL BACK +86 GET STARTED Related Services Annual Compliance of LLP Annual Compliance For Private ...
Cyber Security Due Diligence Standards (DDS) are a set of specialised standards reasonably expected to protect important and sensitive data from access across the internet. Select a meeting date through our website to discuss how G5 Cyber Security can su
EY’s cyber transaction services can add value across the M&A transaction life cycle — from strategy and opportunity analysis all the way through diligence, negotiations, and integration or separation. The value of EY cyber transaction services We help address the M&A cyber risk to your business...
Spectrum Health Lakelandwas one of the WSG clients impacted by the cyberattack. Approximately 60,000 of its patient records were exposed in the breach. American Medical Collections Agency (AMCA) June 2019:American Medical Collections Agency, a patient billing services vendor for the healthcare indust...
This is why cyber due diligence must be thorough-encompassing technology, processes and people. It should evaluate both the organisation's information security function and its leadership, which sets the tone for cybersecurity governance. It should ask: Is the information system architecture effec...
DUE diligenceINTERNATIONAL lawSUSTAINABLE developmentNo company, just like no nation, is an island in cyberspace; the actions of actors from hacktivists to nation-states have the potential to impact the bottom line, along with the human rights of consumers and the public writ ...
What level of cyber due diligence (vendor security assessment) do you feel is appropriate for vendors/suppliers that are considered in the low tier. For example lets say you have your vendors tiered as critical, high, med, low tier. Those crit...
Understand the Security Requirements for Due Diligence which will allow an efficient completion of the assessment.
We conduct privacy and cybersecurity diligence on hundreds of transactions every year relating to every conceivable industry, including financial services, healthcare and life sciences, tech, manufacturing, retail, e-commerce, etc. We typically support our M&A and Private Equity corporate colleag...
How do you see vendor due diligence in cybersecurity evolving in the future? To say it will be interesting is an understatement. It will depend on the needs of customers using the banks and financial services firms. It might be that all vendors will be subject to SOC 2 before opening day...