Learn how EY teams can help you identify vulnerabilities, quantify cyber risks as they relate to the deal and manage mitigation or remediation of cybersecurity in M&A.
In April, healthcare products manufacturer Abbott Laboratories announced the acquisition of St...Welgan, Jeff
Cyber Security Due Diligence Standards (DDS) are a set of specialised standards reasonably expected to protect important and sensitive data from access across the internet. Select a meeting date through our website to discuss how G5 Cyber Security can su
Procedure for Cybersecurity-Due-Diligence In a private acquisition transaction, there are two or more parties. The parties are the buyer, the seller, and the target. It is the buyer's primary responsibility to carry out the due diligence process on the target company. By carrying out the abo...
Shawn Henry, CrowdStrike Services president, outlines the importance of strong cybersecurity governance at all points in the investment chain
companies such as pipeline and infrastructure operators, food producers, healthcare and education facilities, among others. As a result, the need for thorough cyber due diligence is as relevant for private equity and infrastructure funds investing in other sectors as it is for technology-focused...
Understand the Security Requirements for Due Diligence which will allow an efficient completion of the assessment.
We conduct privacy and cybersecurity diligence on hundreds of transactions every year relating to every conceivable industry, including financial services, healthcare and life sciences, tech, manufacturing, retail, e-commerce, etc. We typically support our M&A and Private Equity corporate colleag...
Vendor Security Alliance Questionnaire (VSAQ) But cybersecurity due diligence does not start and end with an initial risk assessment questionnaire. As the stats above indicate, vendors fall victim to cyber-attacks often, even after passing an initial security screening. ...
What level of cyber due diligence (vendor security assessment) do you feel is appropriate for vendors/suppliers that are considered in the low tier. For example lets say you have your vendors tiered as critical, high, med, low tier. Those crit...