DSM-5-TR全称是“The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision”。精神科的诊断标准主要有两大体系,一个体系是世界卫生组织的ICD体系,一个体系是美国的DSM体系。DSM这本蓝色的小册子可谓美国精神科医生的圣经,第一版发布于1952年,和我们接近的是DSM-IV出于三十年前,DS...
DSM-5-TR全称是“The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, FifthEdition, Text Revision”。精神科的诊断标准主要有两大体系,一个体系是世界卫生组织的ICD体系,一个体系是美国的DSM体系。DSM这本蓝色的小册子可谓美国...
DSM-5: Trauma and Stress-Induced Disorders Lynn Murphy Michalopoulos, PhD Assistant Professor Columbia School of Social Work Agenda Trauma and Stress-Induced Disorders Overview of Acute Stress Disorder, Adjustment Disorder, Reactive Attachment Disorder Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Changes Similarities Clini...
DSM-5:精神疾患的分类 神经发展障碍(neurodevelopmental disorder);例如智能障碍、遗传疾病等 精神分裂及相关疾患(schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders) 双向情绪以及相关疾患(bipolar and related disorders) 忧郁性疾患(depressive disorders) 焦虑性疾患(anxiety disorders) 强迫症以及相关疾患(obsessive-comp...
Furthermore, the intensity of depressive symptoms and manic symptoms, combined, can be variable, a factor that contributes to making the picture even more variable. Each form of mixed depressive state therefore presents its own specific symptomatic characteristics and sp...
1952年DSM-I1968年DSM-II1980年DSM-III1987年DSM-III-R1994年DSM-IV2000年DSM-IV-TR2013年DSM-5 DiagnosticAndStatisticalManualOfMentalDisorders,FifthEdition,AmericanPsychiatricAssociation,2013 诊断学争议 •美国精神病学会将在2013年5月出版其第五版的《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》(...
DSM-5分类(打印版)~ 1 ~ DSM-5 American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. Arlington, VA,American Psychiatric Press, 2013 Neurodevelopmental Disorders 31 Intellectual Disabilities 33 Intellectual Disabilities (Intellectual Developmental Disorder)...
Emerging Measures Models - Neurodevelopmental disorders Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders Bipolar and related disorders Depressive disorders Anxiety disorders Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders Trauma- and stressor-related disorders Dissociative disorders DSM-5 disorder categories Somatic ...
JeanXavier, ...DavidCohen, inResearch in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2015 2.3Comparison of DSM-IV and DSM-5: first empirical studies A number of studies have compared theDSM-5and DSM IV-TR classification systems. A retrospective study found few differences between them in terms of sensitivity bu...