基于上述讨论,在DSM-5中轻躁狂发作持续时间旳原则没有变化,仍维持DSM-IV中“至少4天”旳规定;轻躁狂发作持续时间在2-3天,且满足轻躁狂症状原则旳患者,被归类到“其他特定旳双相有关障碍”中(otherspecifiedbipolarandrelateddisorder),第22页23讨论内容 DSM-5旳修订原则躁狂或轻躁狂诊断原则A旳变化轻躁狂发作持续时...
Using the full terminology available in the DSM-5 (e.g., defined diagnoses instead of other specified umbrella diagnoses and including specifiers to highlight key features of the disorder) will help establish the new common language so that clinicians and clients can all communicate effectively ...
This diagnosis was among those referred to as personality disorder-trait specified (PD-TS) in the new model—a diagnosis for all of those DSM–IV PDs that were not included as a specific type and any other specific or mixed PD types (e.g., depressive, masochistic) that would have been ...
Reactive Attachment Disorder DSM-IV two subtypes: emotionally withdrawn/inhibited and indiscriminately social/disinhibited In DSM-5 subtypes are defined as distinct disorders: reactive attachment disorder disinhibited social engagement disorder Both are the result of social neglect or other situations that l...
Autism Spectrum Disorder 50 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 59 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 59 Other specified Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 65 Unspecified Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 66 Specific Learning Disorder 66 Specific Learning Disorder 66 Motor Disorder 74...
22轻躁狂发作持续时间标准的总结l 基于上述讨论,在DSM-5中轻躁狂发作持续时间的标准没有变化,仍维持DSM-IV中“至少4天”的规定;l轻躁狂发作持续时间在2-3天,且满足轻躁狂症状标准的患者,被归类到“其它特定的双相相关障碍”中(other specified bipolar and related disorder),第21页/共35页第二十二页,编辑于...
Short-duration hypomania with depressive episodes was considered as a diagnostic entity and ultimately included in Section III as a condition for further study; it should also be noted that the Not Otherwise Specified (NOS) category is now replaced throughout DSM-5 by Other Specified and an ...
精神分裂病观念的演变-由ICD-10到DSM-5-台湾老年精神医学会 .pptx,DSM-5中有關”失智症”(認知症)的新觀念New concepts of major neurocognitive disorder in DSM-5歐陽文貞, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D.彰基體系精神科主任及鹿東醫院院長台灣老年精神醫學會常務理事,台灣精神醫學
other forms of significant loss or stress, including job loss and natural disasters, and may be in need of intervention. To prevent the denial of diagnosis (and care) of individuals who meet full criteria for a major depressive disorder, even during bereavement or other significant loss,DSM-5...
Avoidant Personality Disorder Dependent Personality Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder Personality Disorder Not Otherwise Specified Mental Retardation Changes in the DSM-5 The categories listed above were kept in the DSM-5 with the exception of Mental Retardation. The DSM-5 changed this to...